The people that appear in your dreams that you don't know: Do they exist? in real life?

Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

When you're dreaming your brain is in an unconscious state. It can't create new faces. That person u see in dreams is someone you've seen before.
^ Exactly. Ive seen girls that i for sure wouldnt forget seeing.
Also when I was younger I could picture attractive women in my mind while awake. But it was very hard.

Next time I have a lucid dream Ill try to imagine a random chick into it.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

I wonder if those people are actual people in real life.

Also have you ever made up a face/person in your head? Do they really exist somewhere?

Or they could just be images of random people I've seen and forgotten about. But I like to wonder and make it more complicated than that

I feel like this could be a movie lol. 
That's a crazy thought. They're probably people you've seen before but don't recognize, you'd be surprised what your brain retains in the subconscious
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Originally Posted by enlightendespot

Also when I was younger I could picture attractive women in my mind while awake. But it was very hard.
You have a gift.


Originally Posted by Kramer

That's a crazy thought. They're probably people you've seen before but don't recognize, you'd be surprised what your brain retains in the subconscious

God I wish I had conscious access to all that stuff
Originally Posted by Dagrandesoda

Sometimes its a flashback where I see people from when I was little. Its the craziest thing ever. I see chicks in my dream that i've never met, but I feel that I love them....
Came in to say this. I've dreamed of some GORGEOUS women and fall deep in love b. Deep.

Then I wake up wondering where I've seen them to try and track them down like it was a sign that our love was destined 
Originally Posted by fly23s

i read somewhere you dream about whatever you were thinking hard that day

Nah I had a dream about a purple cat that could talk. I definitely wasn't randomly thinking about that during that day.
Its been proven that the mind cant make people up... so the people in your dreams are people from your past and could even be someone you hip checked on the train, to seeing a picture on line.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by fly23s

i read somewhere you dream about whatever you were thinking hard that day

Nah I had a dream about a purple cat that could talk. I definitely wasn't randomly thinking about that during that day.
A lot of times people in my dream morph between one person I know and another.

So I would assume that these random people in our dreams are hybrids of real people we've seen.
whenever i have a dream involving someone that i don't know, I really don't get much of a face that I can see, its usually just a blur. Whenever I do remember seeing a persons actual face its usually someone that I know or someone that I significantly remember seeing. IMO its impossible to just make up a face. go ahead and try, most likely you will mix and match features from people you have seen in your life.
A friend of mine told me her boyfriend had a dream that me and him were shooting up people. Dont know why lol
Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

Sometimes ur mind projects things, and they
become future depictions of what u seen. At
least thats what happens to me. Mad de ja vu son
This. It's damn near like a calendar that's a few months ahead. There is definitely a certain level of communication there.

Pretty much everyone from my dreams are people in my life.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

Just because you forget doesn't mean your brain does...

Just because your brain shows you something doesn't mean it exist

Actually that is the exact reason it exist. Your brain produces these thoughts into physical matter, which means they exist on one plane or another.
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