the Pet Peeve thread

some people are just dirty af

also, people who dont shower at night are scum.
Straight up? **** the escalator etiquette. I'm posted, chillin', prolly perusing my phone.

**** your whole commute b, straight like that.

Hope ya'll end up late getting to where ever it is ya'll going.
Blatant ignorance, and I completely agree 
I hate when someone speaks softly(calm people) to me while everyone else is loud and than you have to BS your response. It's not completely their fault but damn, adjust your tone a bit so you don't get drowned out by the people surrounding you.
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When use the word "ghetto" to address things that are not to their standard.


Ninja's that don't know how to act and expect me to fell sorry for them when get into trouble.
It irks me when people can't admit that they ****ed up, and instead get all defensive like some lames.

My girl does this **** all the time and I hate it the funny part is when I do some something that I know is wrong she will eventually end up apologizing TO ME, but if she really does some foul **** she gets mad and defensive, that's how I catch her in a lie smh backwards *** girl
No race thread. But real life?

My number one pet peeve....

When minorities minimize or completely dismiss the struggles of other minorities who also face oppression and discrimination.

Nobody is free until we are all free.
"Hey im about to get sum food you want somthin"

" good"

Returns with food

"Can i have some"

When I'm leaving a place and I'm holding the door for the person behind me like a decent human, the person looks right at me and continue walking at a snail's pace. 
When there's a long line at a fast food joint and people in front of you - who've been waiting in line for a while - still can't make up their mind when it's their turn to order.
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Wen u drop the deuce at a public restroom and they got that pipe wit da handle in the back instead of a normal back so you cant lean back comfortably.


Burn dat place down
People who _____ on the subway.

- Eat smelly food
- Talk/Rap out loud
- Bring huge carry on luggage
- Take selfies

And brand new:

Those god damn selfie sticks.
Cashiers who look at you like you are supposed to greet them and then get mad when you don't say "Thank You".
Bish if you are going to be rude for no reason, then you can get all the way the **** out of here.
When there's a long line at a fast food joint and people in front of you - who've been waiting in line for a while - still can't make up their mind when it's their turn to order.

But Mickey D's won't put all they offer on the damn board. So when it's my turn I'm still looking for the item.
People who think whispering is a professional tone.
People who have to be extremely fake in order to be professional.
Breaking down long numbers to a bunch of double digit numbers(Like reading 72305 as seventy two - thirty - five)
People who listen to music on their phones on speaker.
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Wen someone goes to the store and u tell em 2 get a beer and they come back wit sumthin different cuz its "better" or on sale.

You dont mess wit a mans preferred beer.

You get stabbed for that
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