the Pet Peeve thread

when im driving on the highway and someone has their blinker on like they're gonna switch lanes but never does. :smh:
PERSON: I have something to tell you, but I promised I wouldn't say anything
ME: What is it?
PERSON: Promise you won't say anything?
ME: Of course. What's up?
PERSON: Nah, I can't say it. Never mind.

"Can I ask you a question?"

What makes it even worse is...


Yall seem like easily irritated people.

Get mad over little stupid **** [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
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if you pronounce the L in salmon you are stupid and i do not want you in my presence. 
On this note, not really a pet peeve, but how dumb are people that pronounce the S in Illinois…

That, and people that walk on the balls of their feet are slow as hell. 
when people think referring to a teams defense as "D" is hilarious...
When people add the ever so popular "S" to the end of a teams name, I ******* lose it 

"The Magics lost again last night." Even better was that NT'er that told the story about the Thunders game. 
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Chick at work: "What nationality are you?"

Me: American >D [emoji]128530[/emoji]

Her: I mean what are you mixed with?

Me: I'm black. :stoneface: [emoji]128528[/emoji]

Her: No you're not. You're mixed with something.

Me: Both my parents are black.

Her: No, you're mixed.


Not the first time and it's always sisters on this. :smh:

Honestly why do you care?
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Yall boys slippin tho. Ain't nobody mentioned when people lick their fingers before giving you a paper/money/etc???

Lady at this grocery store across from campus did it FOUR times before issuing change the other night...:x :x :smh: :stoneface: :lol: :stoneface: :x :smh:
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