The Real Reason New College Grads Can't Get Hired

what school did you go to? and public Administration is a good major very broad l majored in Criminology and minor in Business marketing and management. Are you going to grad school?
I'm at UNLV. I'll be doing grad school eventually, but I'll see what my prospects look like with just my bachelors for a year or so.. Since I currently work for USPS I might see what the administrative openings are there as well.
No sarcasm at all. What I am saying is that you'll make a much better living, without student loan debts, if you'd just give these fields a shot. Your home life may suffer and you may have to move but the money is there. How many places can you name where you can make over 100k a year with only a high school diploma that are not in transportation or labor intensive?
This is where my entitled feelings really start to show.. and don't get me wrong the job i have now is very physical, but 20- 30 years working a hard physical job is just not very desirable. Not to mention the reason those jobs pay so well is usually because you rack up a ton of overtime and have no life. I'm not even guaranteed to live another 20 years to see the beautiful retirement they offer. That's not a situation I'd want to yield myself to without trying to do something more comfortable. But hats off to the guys who do those jobs. From what I've seen they're really diligent, kind, and hardworking folks. They live a simple life and are happy to just come home and crack a beer and enjoy family. Me... well I'm on an expensive shoe forum obviously my spending habits and lifestyle aren't as easily satisfied.
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Why do you guys continue to waste your time getting degrees?

Look for positions in places like the railway, or trucking, in factories or anything that is in the labour field. Office jobs are a complete waste of your time. 

I have mentioned it before. CN here in Canada offers many crafts that have starting wages at 50k with only a high school diploma required. The other railroads in the U.S. would be very similar. 

You don't need an education to drive a truck, work an excavator, build roads or train tracks. They already have guys crunching the numbers behind what goes where at what angles. If you can make a good living doing physical work as a high school grad, you'll be miles ahead of some college/university grad that wasted 4 years of their life and racked up massive debt.

Make sacrifices, move around, work nights and holidays. Living that life debt free out of high school is better than going to college in my mind. 

You nailed it on the head, I was from making 1-2 G's a week doing construction labor in nuclear power plants and I quit because I listened to everyone telling me to finish school SMH. 100k job with no education required.
I'm in the hiring process as well. The wait is unbearable. I've done everything except the polygraph exam and the drug test. They are doing my background check. 

I did only 1 part of the polygraph and I am still waiting to be called back. It takes forever to get hired. Almost a damn year.

Damn what the hell? They must be doing my background check right now. And even after the tests I think you still have to wait for a station to pick you.
Damn what the hell? They must be doing my background check right now. And even after the tests I think you still have to wait for a station to pick you.

It takes 9-12months to receive a TS w/ a Poly. They encourage you to have a job during the hiring process. Did they not tell you this?
None of my friends have had trouble landing internships that pay $800-1000+ per week. My friends in law school were making $2,500 at their summer internships. Losers hang with losers and winners hang with winners. Change your circle if you have all kind of jobless or loser friends working free internships. How you going to value your time at $0/hour? LOSER mentality.

So what you're saying is that if you and your friends experience something, then if others don't it's because they did something wrong?
You nailed it on the head, I was from making 1-2 G's a week doing construction labor in nuclear power plants and I quit because I listened to everyone telling me to finish school SMH. 100k job with no education required.
If your willing to risk cancer for 1-2 Gs a week... you might as well get certified for x-ray and MRI imaging. I think X ray is only a 2 year program, guaranteed jobs and no extra physical labor. You have to pass the classes and tests though.

I guess what this thread really boils down to is they need to stop telling us college is for EVERYONE.  It's not and High Schools need to do a better job of telling young kids their options, so that less people go to college and costs are driven down so that people who NEED college can pay their way through school and if a job isn't there when they finish, they aren't buried in a mountain of debt.
Anyone know about how background checks work? had a little problem at 18 now in my 20s. NO felony though.
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Because you're paranoid, doesn't mean people ain't out to get you.

With our trend toward globalization and a cyber culture the idea of a hard days honest work is simply not the reality. This generation, because we have the ability, expects everything fast, expects to be handed things. My dad worked three jobs growing up, my homie doesn't work any. Of course it's all anecdotal but to say a 20 year old today is as 'hardworking' as a twenty year forty years ago is simply not true.

So you compare 2 people and that's the basis for your argument? :lol:

Thing is you weren't around 30 years ago so you really have NO clue what went on, besides the exaggerated stories your parents/aunts/uncles/grandparents have told you. There are so many different dynamics from the economy, to what weight a college degree hold, down to the demographics of the workforce, too simply say "this generation doesn't work as hard" is idiotic.

I know people now who are in their early 20's that work 2 jobs AND are in school. I know a dude who's 40 that's been unemployed for 7 years and doesn't do **** but sleep on his wife's couch and smoke weed, but you don't see me making broad generalizations that people over 40 are "so lazy"

That "this generation doesn't work as hard" is b.s. people tell you to convince you to work your *** off for pennies. Because what you don't know is wages haven't even slightly kept up with inlfation and the increase company profits, and that's not speculation, it's fact.

So bring some solid facts/proof to your argument, not just your ignorant opinion, or have a seat dawg.
So what you're saying is that if you and your friends experience something, then if others don't it's because they did something wrong?

I had to pop back in this thread. The stupidity people possess knows no bounds on this website. I'm trying to wrap my head around some of the stuff being said in this thread.
Dude really condoning skipping on a college education to pound rocks instead? 
If your willing to risk cancer for 1-2 Gs a week... you might as well get certified for x-ray and MRI imaging. I think X ray is only a 2 year program, guaranteed jobs and no extra physical labor. You have to pass the classes and tests though.

I guess what this thread really boils down to is they need to stop telling us college is for EVERYONE.  It's not and High Schools need to do a better job of telling young kids their options, so that less people go to college and costs are driven down so that people who NEED college can pay their way through school and if a job isn't there when they finish, they aren't buried in a mountain of debt.
I'm a nuclear engineering major.....

Under current standards, the risks for cancer are little to nonexistent. 
I'm a nuclear engineering major.....

Under current standards, the risks for cancer are little to nonexistent. 
I guess that did come across as fear mongering..   it is a pretty safe bet.  BUT the long term findings on exposure to radiation are still fairly murky
  • id still rather do xray/ mri than construction
  •  construction has its own health risk anyway
I guess that did come across as fear mongering..   it is a pretty safe bet.  BUT the long term findings on exposure to radiation are still fairly murky
  • id still rather do xray/ mri than construction
  •  construction has its own health risk anyway
I feel you, all good. There's a risk for everything. If you work in a plastic company, you could get cancer that way.

Nuclear gets a bad rep. It's actually pretty safe and clean as well. It has zero emissions. It's on the same level as hydropower and solar as emissions.

1 kg of Uranium fuel has about a million times the power density as 1 kg of coal.
We've been living in a global economy for as far back as the early 00's. There are no more "safe" careers, unless it's one you create for yourself. It makes no sense doing hard labor jobs for 20years unless you're going to become one of the go too experts in your field. Sure 50k a year sounds great in this economy but what about 20 years from now when your back and knees have given out. Or when they've automated your job

If your career isn't internationally viable all this back and forth about 50k this, 70k that makes no sense. Also that internship hustle is breaking news way too late when it's been going on for over 10 years now. Most internships don't teach you a damn thing and pay even less.. You either play the game or get played by it. Dudes got their parents paying their rent, and all of their bills, while fetching coffee for class credit calling everyone else a bum.

Anyways internships have gotten better, especially since that case went to the supreme court but I can't stand dukes that get everything paid for them calling others that don't have those privileges bums or lazy
Dude really condoning skipping on a college education to pound rocks instead? :lol:

Yes. If someone doesn't mind physical labor, they do NOT have to go to college to get a decent job making decent money. They have to be motivated, willing to work overtime, and may have to move on occasion, but you ABSOLUTELY do NOT need a college education for many jobs.

One of my good friends went to a trade school straight out of HS. Dude is pulling in 50k-60k and just bought a house, as I'm graduating with 22k in student loans.

Granted, in 15-20 years I'll probably be making a lot more than he is now, but you absolutely, positively, do NOT need to go to college. It's just not for everyone. And using the phrase 'pounding rocks' is a slap in the face to the people who fix your car, supply your city with energy, and protect you and your loved ones from fires and crime (all careers that require no college education.) :rolleyes
Dude really condoning skipping on a college education to pound rocks instead? :lol:

Yes. If someone doesn't mind physical labor, they do NOT have to go to college to get a decent job making decent money. They have to be motivated, willing to work overtime, and may have to move on occasion, but you ABSOLUTELY do NOT need a college education for many jobs.

One of my good friends went to a trade school straight out of HS. Dude is pulling in 50k-60k and just bought a house, as I'm graduating with 22k in student loans.

Granted, in 15-20 years I'll probably be making a lot more than he is now, but you absolutely, positively, do NOT need to go to college. It's just not for everyone. And using the phrase 'pounding rocks' is a slap in the face to the people who fix your car, supply your city with energy, and protect you and your loved ones from fires and crime (all careers that require no college education.) :rolleyes
And using the phrase 'pounding rocks' is a slap in the face to the people who fix your car, supply your city with energy, and protect you and your loved ones from fires and crime (all careers that require no college education.)
Nah, telling people they are wasting their time earning a college degree is a slap in the face.
Nah, telling people they are wasting their time earning a college degree is a slap in the face.

Hate to break it to you, but some people are wasting their time AND money earning a college degree.

Some people think that college is the end all be all and if they spend 3-6 years at a university earning a degree, they'll be successful. For some fields, that is certainly true. For others? Not so much. You know the 2nd most popular route that pre-law majors take outside of going to law school? Manager at your local Sears/Macys/Nordstroms. The same is true for grad school and fields like Sociology, Psychology, Communications, Journalism, English, Visual & Performing Arts... the list goes on. The fact of the matter is, a great deal of people who go to college end up wasting their time because they don't study a field that is in-demand, they don't take their classes as seriously as they should, and they don't build a network before leaving their school. They get stuck with an over-saturated degree, with little to no work experience outside of the campus cafeteria, and they don't have a connection at a company to get them situated in a position that allows for lateral movement. All of which leads to a mid-tier management position, or another sub-par job that turns into a career, and a TON of unnecessary debt.

Meanwhile, Johnny who went to a trade school for complex manufacturing is pulling in 60K a year, benefits included, and is rolling around in a new Benz because he doesn't have to pay off a years worth of his salary to Sallie Mae over the next decade.

*Kanye shrug.*
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I agree with the baby boomer generation leaving us in a horrible position.

I also agree that the new generations are tainted by social media habbits and false hope from the previous generation.

We live in a completely different world. It is time for US to adapt and leave everyone else behind like they did us.
As far as going to college or not goes, you need to have a goal/destination before you can decide how to get there. All paths are different, even in the same field. What works for one person may not work for the rest. Use your energy to find YOUR way and then make it happen. It will get frustrating regardless. Just be smart about giving yourself the correct amount of cushion for any falls.
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I agree with the baby boomer generation leaving us in a horrible position.

I also agree that the new generations are tainted by social media habbits and false hope from the previous generation.

We live in a completely different world. It is time for US to adapt and leave everyone else behind like they did us.
I agree with some of your points... I have this kid fresh out school with physics degree... his work ethic is horrible... no drive.. Is this the case for an entire generation only time will tell but social media i do believe plays part in the younger gen not being as focused as other gen. 
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