The Refined Gentleman Thread

Sometimes it's hard to tell if some of you are dense or just trolling.

What I took from the wallet thing a well made quality wallet. You know the kind you don't have to replace every couple of years. :rolleyes

Not buy an expensive wallet... price point doesn't equate worth or quality
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Worth is subjective.

I think my LV wallet is "worth" it. I use it everyday.

Quality does correlate to price. Generally, higher priced goods are made of better quality.
The point isn't about the cost of the wallet. It's the stupidity of having a wallet that costs more than what you have in your bank account
Theres no point in buying a $500 coach bag and whisky glasses if ****** cant do basic **** ilke remember to brush they teeth and wash they ***. **** a bag, buy some dove soap and take a bath. Scrub yall's tongues too
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Can't be serious...

So if I have a $600 LV wallet but $4 in my bank account, I have my priorities in order? Wow :lol:

If you have only 4 dollars in your bank account I would check out the Stock Market thread. You have to start somewhere.
If you have only 4 dollars in your bank account I would check out the Stock Market thread. You have to start somewhere.

Another barely literate NTer right here. So you took what I said and thought I was talking about myself? OK :lol:
Another barely literate NTer right here. So you took what I said and thought I was talking about myself? OK :lol:
If you took as much effort to better your life, as you much as you have to express your disgust in this thread, you would be well on your way to living better and being a better person.

Start with these two easy tasks and go from there;

1. Make your bed tomorrow when you wake up.
2. Hold the door open for someone.
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all those "how to be manly" lists are always dumb to me

I always picture it coming from the perspective of some guy with a big beard and 1950's haircut who owns an ole timey barbershops
but it's not old though,  one of those guys with a face made for punching who picked up all their "manliness" from Mad Men and Entourage

is it materialistic self-actualization or individuation, develop your own character type of thing?

which is it OP?
who cares about what your wallet looks like (all black leather ftw) what you wear or what car you drive. being a gentleman (dont really like that term but oh well) is about character and actions.

hold doors open for people

say hello and have a good day to strangers riding the same elevator as you

dont litter

have a firm handshake

when on public transport give up your seat to the elderly
Another barely literate NTer right here. So you took what I said and thought I was talking about myself? OK
If you took as much effort to better your life, as you much as you have to express your disgust in this thread, you would be well on your way to living better and being a better person.

Start with these two easy tasks and go from there;

1. Make your bed tomorrow when you wake up.
2. Hold the door open for someone.
A refined gentleman thread and no Ron Swanson? Your thread is worthless OP. Kick rocks. 
Oh I get it now.

-how you coil a hose or cord says alot about you.

-raise the glass at the table..u dont have to clink it with everyone

-that looks good on you >>> you look good in that

-never request a joke or impression.

-make time for your mom on YOUR birthday

-dress for the job you want...not the one you have

-fish dont have eyelids....cast into the shade

- if you offer to help dont quit until the job is done.

-if you say thank you..and mean it..look them in the eye

-unless youre a doctor dont answer the phone at the table

-have a signature dish even if you only have one

-a mans luggage doesnt roll

-if you go on a date always bring a handkerchief

-don't talk if its gonna sound worse than silence

-if youve made your point
Stop talking.
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