The Refined Gentleman Thread

Mar 25, 2003
It's an undeniable fact that as we grow older our interests change. A couple years ago I would go crazy for every Jordan release. I look at my collection of Air Force Ones and realize that I am too to get away with wearing them anymore.

This a thread for all the NTers that have grown with NT for the last 1.5 Decades, a coming of age if you will.

I present to you the "Refined Gentleman Thread"

This is the link that inspired me to create this thread. How do you stack up against this list? How much growing up do you have to do?

Another link with a video clip

Things i've learned on my own;

1. Always bring something to a house party, whether it be chips, beer, wine, bottle of liquor

2. Never offer a girl a ride of your car is in disarray

3. Make your bed everyday as if you're expecting a lady friend over

4. Keep an umbrella in your car

5. Keep a stocked bar

Few essentials with links to get started.

Cast Iron Skillet

Weekend Bag

Whiskey Glasses

Nice Sheets

I don't know why reviews on these sheets were so negative. I can vouch that they are worth it and you can't beat 800 thread count at the price.
Problem is once people "grow up" they have an elitist view on those who still get those Jordans and whatnot. Thats the problem.

Theres a time and place for everything. I still love sneakers, and I do like to dress up. You can do both, and mix outfits from both styles.

A thread like this is not needed.
Problem is once people "grow up" they have an elitist view on those who still get those Jordans and whatnot. Thats the problem.

Theres a time and place for everything. I still love sneakers, and I do like to dress up. You can do both, and mix outfits from both styles.

A thread like this is not needed.

This thread is not made for dressing up. It's more of a lifestyle. I still love my sneakers as well. I just find myself wearing them less and less.

Dressing better thread in disguise? :nerd:

Or dressing well? :nerd:

Neither, i am sure luxurious linens, a working knowledge of knots and quotes in a dead language are discussed there.
A "Go to Karaoke Song"

I always go with "September" by Earth Wind & Fire. You don't need a voice at all and all the words are easy.
This thread is not made for dressing up. It's more of a lifestyle. I still love my sneakers as well. I just find myself wearing them less and less.
Neither, i am sure luxurious linens, a working knowledge of knots and quotes in a dead language are discussed there.
This is a personal opinion thread. Therefore this is your lifestyle, something we don't care anything about. I'm pretty sure we all live different lifestyles, doesn't mean we need to educate the world about our personal opinion.
I like this idea, kinda like my idea for Living better thread.

Keep it.. add on to it.

I have nothing to add, as I am Costanza, Lord of the Idiots.
Look into Riedel glassware. They have some at target and they're pretty affordable. They have nice towels too.
These kind of lists are a consumerist joke.... they always seem to revolve around THINGS people should posses, instead of SKILLS people should posses.

Anyone who thinks owning these things somehow makes them a man or a gentlemen has some serious growing up to do.

This is nothing but a version of "Oprah's Favorite Things" for dudes. :lol:
These kind of lists are a consumerist joke.... they always seem to revolve around THINGS people should posses, instead of SKILLS people should posses.

Anyone who thinks owning these things somehow makes them a man or a gentlemen has some serious growing up to do.

This is nothing but a version of "Oprah's Favorite Things" for dudes. :lol:

Whats your "go-to" karaoke song?:nerd:
These kind of lists are a consumerist joke.... they always seem to revolve around THINGS people should posses, instead of SKILLS people should posses.

Anyone who thinks owning these things somehow makes them a man or a gentlemen has some serious growing up to do.

This is nothing but a version of "Oprah's Favorite Things" for dudes. :lol:

If u listen to others to try to be a man then u are not a man

A man is who he is and doesnt hide it and is proud of it and doesnot try to please society by buying a gucci wallet
Problem is once people "grow up" they have an elitist view on those who still get those Jordans and whatnot. Thats the problem.

There are elitists among those too. :lol:

Since dressing stylish/ "grown up" is the new's a second chance for those who were awkward/lame during their "sneaker phase" to be cool/get attention they wanted when they were rocking baggy jeans/over sized jerseys.
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If u listen to others to try to be a man then u are not a man

A man is who he is and doesnt hide it and is proud of it and doesnot try to please society by buying a gucci wallet

You're in a bar, tell me your "go-to joke"

Anyone who has something they refer to as their "go-to joke" is most likely trying way too hard and lame as hell.

If your relatively quick witted, its easy to make conversation and slip in jokes relevant to the topics at hand.
These kind of lists are a consumerist joke.... they always seem to revolve around THINGS people should posses, instead of SKILLS people should posses.

Anyone who thinks owning these things somehow makes them a man or a gentlemen has some serious growing up to do.

This is nothing but a version of "Oprah's Favorite Things" for dudes. :lol:

Whats your "go-to" karaoke song?:nerd:

Its Raining Men or anything by Beyonce.

See what I did there?
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I can sit back and laugh at the youth now with some of the dumb **** they are doing.... However, all it takes is getting together with my buddies, telling stories from back in the day, to realize that we were no better at the same age. Everyone matures at some point and you learn along the way.
looks like a bachelor pad thread

I retract this statement.

After looking through the link you posted OP. This is a pointless thread. Go-to-jokes, go-to-karaoke song, go-to-quote in a dead language, go-to-whiskey???

If this is what you "believe' makes a gentleman, do you, you're just going to become a product of the ideals of someone else
"There are not as many gentlemen in the world today as there were in the past. For a sizable amount of men today, they do not seem to set the high standards that a gentleman should hold themselves to. If there were more men that would take responsibility for their actions and behavior, they could commit to becoming a gentleman and groom themselves into becoming everything that a gentleman should be. It will not happen overnight, but with dedication it can be done. All men should aspire to be a gentleman and follow a set of value and moral principals, whether in part or full.

Being a gentleman is a how you become a powerful man in life; it’s the way to gain the respect and admiration that you seek from people around you. It will also turn you into a man that is loved, and respected by not just women, but by your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors.

Take the step towards following what it means to become a gentleman, and you’ll find yourself on a journey of enlightenment. Many man have left behind their legacy with words of wisdom, follow in their footsteps and you’ll make a sizable impact on the world."
Personally I applaud the original poster for his efforts.
Although I must say that this thread seems like an offshoot if you will, of the dressing better thread.
Those gentlemen touch on a number of topics and I am sure home decor as well as style other than clothing are discussed.
I am not saying defenestrate this thread by any means, but lets see what this gentleman has to offer before we jump to any conclusions.

Good day and god speed
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