The RETRO Gaming Thread!

Some recent retro pickups. I’ve been slacking lately.

Going back to Japan in a few weeks and excited to do some retro games shopping there.

ever played the MSX version of CV? that is the better game that you've got there but the original is fun, parts of the game play are totally different but I don't wanna spoil it for any1 . a remake of it using NES CV graphics would be kool.
Is the PSX Castlevania side scroller the MSX version?

Edit: Castlevania Chronicles?
nah the game I speak of is actually called Vampire Killer. do not watch the video if you've never played & don't want to spoil (edit-not my video just a demonstration of what game I Mean)
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nah the game I speak of is actually called Vampire Killer. do not watch the video if you've never played & don't want to spoil (edit-not my video just a demonstration of what game I Mean)

Other than the different final battle and what seems to be a lack of weapons what makes it better than what seems to be a more refined update on the Famicon?

Also that PSX version. Seems pretty dope and mad expensive on the resell market!!
My mistake was throwing out the original jewel cases…

They took up space so I threw them out…

Same for the PS1.

My other mistake was selling my Neo Geo 😂

I sold it to that on shop that used to distribute AES and MVS games in the states. They literally gave me nothing. Fast forward to today. It would probably be 15X in worth.

Wild. What if I told ya as an old head I remember being a middle school brat watching them cart Double Dragon into the corner bodega (which had about 2-3 arcade titles that consistently got quarters). The NES version is like a precursor to River City. The Master System one was free in 1988 if you bought a master system or a certain number of games. It was absolutely terrible.

I don’t think I ever played that Gameboy Advance version (GBA is a GOAT system). Th 360 looks like ugly HD Remix.

Other than the different final battle and what seems to be a lack of weapons what makes it better than what seems to be a more refined update on the Famicon?

Also that PSX version. Seems pretty dope and mad expensive on the resell market!!

nah I think you misread what I said (which I did state a bit confusingly now that I read back) the Famicom/NES etc version of CV is a much better game.

this game is pretty hard, I feel like Rondo Of Blood is the best of the so-called Classicvanias. Super/IV is excellent but kinda gloomy, Rondo has a brighter palette.
Got a bunch of games but I was a dumb kid and they're mainly scratched up. Die Hard Arcade and Fighther Megamix were up there.

Wow! You still got them though? You already know what to do with them. Have them sent out and you’ll have them in perfect working order.
What games do you have for it? Which one is your favorite? 👍
I have probably over 70 games. Guardian Heroes was probably one I put in a lot of time. Dragon Force was another. Played the breaks off Daytona, Daytona CE, Daytona CE Japanese version. Too many classics on that system. Which is why I wish Sega would virtual console/Steam/PSN/Xbox their catalog of Model 1, Model 2, Model 3, older arcade titles. Maybe add online. I don’t have confidence in them doing remakes or sequels.
nah I think you misread what I said (which I did state a bit confusingly now that I read back) the Famicom/NES etc version of CV is a much better game.

this game is pretty hard, I feel like Rondo Of Blood is the best of the so-called Classicvanias. Super/IV is excellent but kinda gloomy, Rondo has a brighter palette.
When I read it, I felt like you were saying the MSX was the version Konami intended (a la Snydercut).
Wasn't this just a remake of the original game?? Think I have this on my PS3. Either way the og vania isn’t even top 5 in the series.
Yes, it was. Pretty dope. There were some quality of life improvements. Also, it’s easier lol.

Looking back…I probably had Ninja Gaiden higher than Castlevania. Mega Man slightly higher. Mega Man 2 way higher. Batman (Sunsoft) probably better. Can’t think of any other NES titles. Blaster Master…but that’s a weird one.
I actually never played Jet Moto.

From that generation, the best racers were (imo):

Wipe Out 2097

Diddy Kong Racing (I felt like the controls were better than MK 64…but I could see how folks prefer MK64 with the multiplayer).

Sega Rally

Wave Race was actually dope. I liked the physic and wave effects. Plus the rumble. I never finished it. N64 definitely had some difficult titles like the Rare stuff, etc.
I have probably over 70 games. Guardian Heroes was probably one I put in a lot of time. Dragon Force was another. Played the breaks off Daytona, Daytona CE, Daytona CE Japanese version. Too many classics on that system. Which is why I wish Sega would virtual console/Steam/PSN/Xbox their catalog of Model 1, Model 2, Model 3, older arcade titles. Maybe add online. I don’t have confidence in them doing remakes or sequels.

When I read it, I felt like you were saying the MSX was the version Konami intended (a la Snydercut).

Yes, it was. Pretty dope. There were some quality of life improvements. Also, it’s easier lol.

Looking back…I probably had Ninja Gaiden higher than Castlevania. Mega Man slightly higher. Mega Man 2 way higher. Batman (Sunsoft) probably better. Can’t think of any other NES titles. Blaster Master…but that’s a weird one.
Mega man 2,3 and 4 easily are higher. Agree with ninja gaiden as well. Batman and blaster master I can’t agree but I’d add ghost and goblins in there
Mega man 2,3 and 4 easily are higher. Agree with ninja gaiden as well. Batman and blaster master I can’t agree but I’d add ghost and goblins in there
Mega Man 2 is GOATed. I had three lower than two. I don’t think I ever played four.

I feel like Batman was a more competent and enjoyable game than CV 1.

Blaster Master, I’m not sure how I feel about. I just remember it had those side scrolling elements.

Best NES side scrollers? Probably (no specific order): Mega Man 2. Castlevania 3. Ninja Gaiden 2. Ninja Gaiden. Super Mario 2. Super Mario 3.

I can’t rock with Ghost and Goblins. It’s just seems clunky next to Super Ghouls and Ghosts or Ghouls and Goblins.
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