What I actually like about the DKs is just the fact that they're not super flashy or colorful. I like the Grinches, OCs, etc as much as the next guy, but I can't really wear a bright +#% color as an everyday thing. DKs give me another VI that can be like an anyday option. Large number of the VI colorways you kinda have to plan out a fit for and all that, can't really just slip them on with most things. Just my opinion though
Originally Posted by gentry187

This should've been it right here
red laces anyone?
DK's look nice. Getting tired of flashy colors nike has been releasing. This one's subtle and cool.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Disappointed with the DK's on so many levels

QFT!!  If these are indeed the DKs, then it seems like Nike shot their wad on the Chaos only to totally neglect the counterpart.  Not a good decision, if you ask me.  Oh well, I guess if you don't like it then you don't have to buy it.
The DKs are so so. Would have been dope with a blue to black gradient under the scales somewhat like the chinas. And maybe a silver or black swoosh as well as the milky/blue soles as everyone said.
Doesn't even have to be tinted or translucent.
If they'd just put the blue on the sole on the forefoot instead of the heal.
These would have been so much better.
I'm disappointed if these are the dks.....Hopefully the Aces will be nice....
anyone have pictures of the black/gray outside? Went looking through thread and couldn't find any.
Watching the Tai-yen Jones cup thats currently taking place in Taiwan on TV. A lot of Filipino players sporting the Kobe VI.

Pretty cool, I thought.
DKs aren't bad, but a little more blue would have been nice. And why throw in a little red to mess things up? Just make the red parts blue.

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Originally Posted by elrodo33

DKs aren't bad, but a little more blue would have been nice. And why throw in a little red to mess things up? Just make the red parts blue.

How can I post pictures in replies? Can someone help me? I can upload pics to my album but if I try to insert an image it just shows a square with an X in it.

The DK Vs had red...
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