The Secret Meeting that Changed Rap Music and Destroyed a Generation

Originally Posted by VicRain24

Great read.

Sounds very believable. I know I wouldn't take valuable time out of my day to write a long %!$ fiction story..

The mindset of most tabloid readers 
Cocaine had already destroyed our communities long before this alleged meeting took place
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by fly23s

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Wait what? 

So explain all the murders and gangsters of the late 70's early 80's?  Because anybody 40+ will be quick to tell you that back then it was 1000 times worse than today. And that was when everybody sang about love and drugs.
son back then people did that because of poverty and poor judgment. listen to the radio now almost every rapper rap about murking people and was all thug, when they aren't even about that life (rick ross rapping about how he use to sell coke when he is a law enforcement brah). they be rapping about drinking and drug uses which may be the cause of young adolescent to be curios enough to use them. just look at the influence rappers have on kids fashion-wise. so yea i do think rap influences youngsters on a whole different level.
Because poverty and poor judgement still don't exist? 

Aight slim, you got it.
cats forget that da 3rd world is a plane ride away...if ya wanna see unbridled carnage..hell we can go down to mexico where rap ain't even relevant like it is over here....whats da argument now?
Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by fly23s

son back then people did that because of poverty and poor judgment. listen to the radio now almost every rapper rap about murking people and was all thug, when they aren't even about that life (rick ross rapping about how he use to sell coke when he is a law enforcement brah). they be rapping about drinking and drug uses which may be the cause of young adolescent to be curios enough to use them. just look at the influence rappers have on kids fashion-wise. so yea i do think rap influences youngsters on a whole different level.
Because poverty and poor judgement still don't exist? 

Aight slim, you got it.
Yea there was thugs and gangstas back in the day. That didn't mean it was cool to be one


Impossible to tell if the story is real, but it's certainly possible. Greedy companies and millionaires do things like this all the time. This case seems pretty logical, just wildy unethical.

If true, why aren't we still hearing "Straight Outta Compton" every day? For one, after so long the message loses its impact. A "do drugs/shoot somebody" message will incite less violent feelings today then when the "trend" first started.

Also music acts like Drake are way more marketable in other areas of business and in other demographics than gangsta rappers. Music companies are probably making way more off a full-spectrum act like Drake than they did by promoting their shares in private prisons or something.
Read 3 paragraphs......and stopped reading. I get tired of knowing too much as is. *Goes back to penning rap lyrics from the soul*
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

People really believe anything on the internet

It's not UN-believable. Trust me, this game is fixed one way or the other but *!$# I just don't let *!$# like this effect my world view and drive in life.  It may keep me up at night for a few days.... like when Nothing4Ever be on that alien *!$#..
. but eventually you log off the web, log back into life, and say *##! it. At least I do. That's all you can do.. 
I don't know if i believe this, but i find it plausible.

Weirder stuff in the entertainment business has gone down. It's all about profit at the end of the day.
Originally Posted by 00david00

yall really believe this though? Not saying that something like this couldn't happen, but THIS particular story? screams ducktales, just look at how it's written.
I'm sayin'.
You're talking to people who get duped on the regular by NT trolls like THB though so it shouldn't be too hard to impress these cats.

I'm not even denying that shady !*%@ goes down in the business...but damn how y'all read this and not think it's a short story from some bored dude with a big imagination? "my goal now is to get this information out to as many people as possible. Please help me spread the word." LOL.

aka "Help make this story go viral so I could sit back and witness how many people get fooled."
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by VicRain24

Great read.

Sounds very believable. I know I wouldn't take valuable time out of my day to write a long %!$ fiction story..
The mindset of most tabloid readers 
Don't believe it but, I believe gangsta rap may have messed a lot of our culture up. I can imagine most kids listening to the radio back then being intrigued by the notion of being a superstar in the hood by imitating what the song puts out. Y'all are $$%**!% delusional if you don't think rap had an overall negative effect on our communities in the last few decades. mobsters may have been admired in the 1930s, but, at least their acts were confined to mostly big cities. Rap has a foothold in every poverish community in our country. Hopefully positive rap can have that same effect one day.
We will never know if this story is true or false, dont let this run past you just cause this is the internet, we all have witnessed different things in our life, some have witnessed things with a bigger magnitude than others

Your fav celeb uses the internet, so dont think this persons info is ducktales just cause we dont know who they are
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Originally Posted by RetroSan

i doubt this ever happened

Co-signing this...
lol, i hate to call someone out but it seems a lil far fetched, but you never know, i mean look at JFK, homie was killed by a magic bullet
I'd like to see some type of statistic or chart showing the correlation between the popularity of gangster rap and rates of incarceration.
LOL, that's the fakest thing I've ever read.
Totally though, the music industry is responsible for our incarceration issues.
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