The Simpsons Tapped Out....!!!!

am i doing this glitch wrong?

i enter a town...dont click on anything... leave it (repeat x3) and still not getting that extra cash? hmm..
Steezy's town is a gold mine.
Ravishing that joint tomorrow

Do you fam...wish there was a way to reward me for

And to those who are not getting a multiplier, you need to find the town with the most premium items, items only available by buying donuts, keep going in and out at least 25 times, by then every building should give you around 300$
Do you fam...wish there was a way to reward me for
And to those who are not getting a multiplier, you need to find the town with the most premium items, items only available by buying donuts, keep going in and out at least 25 times, by then every building should give you around 300$
You really have to do it that many times?
It'll be roughly about thy much for every house you click on so it's about 800-900$ per extra XP...that doesn't matter to me anymore as I maxed
Steezy's town is a gold mine.
Ravishing that joint tomorrow

Naw, maderaj90 is where it's at..

He has all the premiums + 45 Christmas trees, 40+ burning bushes, 4 channel 6 satellites, 8 channel 6 vans, 15 reindeer and 6 ambulances...

Just to test it, I opened and closed his town 3 times and it was giving me $150/house...

Gonna go crazy with it tomorrow...
Just collected close to 200k with the multiplier glitch :pimp:

Built the hospital, all I have left is the post office...then is on to land expansion and building more homes.
I tried the glitch, and I maxed out at $250 (the max denomination, not including the lesser earnings) per house.

I need a santa coin hustle :wow:
I don't think you can Max out...the last town i visited I collected 1350$ from each house, thy was a little over 4k in one town.
I don't think you can Max out...the last town i visited I collected 1350$ from each house, thy was a little over 4k in one town.
I'm so nervous my game is gonna crash the more I do this 
Made over 75K. My phone kept shutting down the app.

What's the max amount we can get per house? Has anyone counted the amount of times they entered, exited, and then reentered and figured out how much it translates into dollar amounts?

I was getting roughly $200 per house when I used Steezy's village, then I used someone else's and was raking in over $720 per house :wow:

So many props to whoever discovered this glitch! :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
The thing about the game crashing is that it starts over. But you can restart the multiplier by going to another friend's town that has a lot of premium items. I tried Steezy's first, then it crashed, then I went through my list and found dudes that had the Springfield Hollywood sign and the Homer Santa, etc.
Ya for sure, I got anxious/my ADD kicked in so i was only getting about $125 a house, but this definitely works! I still don't know which one of yall has the most premium items though... It might be you iBlink

how many times did you enter/exit?? I didn't actually count but probably spent like 3-5 minutes on it
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If any of you have maderaj90 use his town, go in ad out 50 times, sounds like a lot, but I guarantee you after you do that, you'll probably end up with about 300k given you have 100 friends
i went in and out 12 times from the same neighborhood, the user had multiples of every premium, like 20 christmas trees...

after 12 in/out, i was only pushing $250 per house.

during my experimentation, i've had it crash after 18 cycles of entering and exiting so i didnt want to push it
If any of you have maderaj90 use his town, go in ad out 50 times, sounds like a lot, but I guarantee you after you do that, you'll probably end up with about 300k given you have 100 friends

I lost count on how many times I went in and out of his town, I doubt it was more then 40 - 50 times but I got about $300k and I only have about 50+ friends.

^ nice, I was soo excited to get him...but it wore off quick when I realized he doesn't really do anything
I was actually more excited about getting 1,500 coins.. Than Santa little helper.. Now it's time to save the coins for the pink funzo.. If I've enough time before the end of Christmas..
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