THE STRAIN on FX -- from Guillermo Del Toro -- Sunday, July 13 at 10pm

I tried watching this season 2 but I can't. No interest. Season 1 was decent but it's just all over the place.
writing on this show is horrid but I can't stop watching.

I started reading the books and the one thing I noticed that they hardly touch on in the show is Palmer's influence. He has enough money to have certain people in his pocket to feed false info about whats going on in NYC to the people outside. I mean they tried to show it with the CDC head but they didn't go far enough showing he is keeping whats truly going on under wraps.

New Zack is trash. Characters are bsing and not really doing much and making dumb decisions. Like Fet, you really smashing old girl in the pool of the place you just cleared what it appeared to be night?

Why are they doing anything at night? You'd think they'd make more moves in the daylight seeing as the sun is their #1 defense
I tried watching this season 2 but I can't. No interest. Season 1 was decent but it's just all over the place.
I can't even lie...this show is the only reason I can look forward to Sunday night before going to work the next morning :lol:

Palmer's old goon got cut off (no pun intended). What a waste of a build up. Apparently, there's a day walking vampire now that just popped out of a back of a truck...head of the vamp SWAT perhaps?
The vampire team was supposed to have a bigger role but they were killed off by the showrunners. The vampire who hopped out of the truck is the real Quinlan.
Is there a place online I can watch season 1 for free? I checked FXs site a while back but you had to log in. I missed the first few episodes. Got hooked on the show because this is around my bedtime on Sunday. Lol.
Black curse strikes. Lmao @ him dying with contributing nothing to the group except for saving the CDC girl.
The writing itself hasn't gotten worse it's just the pacing and how they're putting these scenes and eps together that's fallen off. It's basically not cohesive.

I'm still watching but it's definitely not as engaging. I feel like they're building up to something and just don't know how to make the show as interesting until they get to that point. Right now everything is all over the place. Even the master's plans right now seem lackluster (granted he's been hurt).

We'll see if they'll be able to bring Gus, Setrakian, Eph, and that new vamp's stories together in a good way.
Black curse strikes. Lmao @ him dying with contributing nothing to the group except for saving the CDC girl.

Yeah, bringing him back was a waste. He showed a few locations on a map then bam his character isn't needed anymore. Maybe they killed him off because he's also working on 2 other shows or the writers just suck.

That blonde pharmaceutical woman gave up the yambs quick.

Out of all the people the master chose for a new body, he chose that lame makeup wearing musician. SMH.

I've basically accepted that this show has stupid people, making stupid decisions like in horror / monster movies. Just accept the dumbness. Like how does Anya's dad go and tell her to still make food deliveries when it's dangerous as hell outside? He's just staying ignorant to the fact that the city has vampires all over and the city has turned to crap. He's complaining about her tuition bill but doesn't show a concern for her safety or life.
Him choosing Bolivar actually happens in the books. Probably the only time the show has stayed true to it from what I'm seeing online.
Also weird that they trained gus and after one botch of a mission dude quit already. Now it looks like he's going to be a tag team partner of angel.
I haven't read the books but how does the story end?

From the third and final book:

Two years have passed since the vampires, led by the Master, used atomic weapons to create a nuclear winter, blocking the sun almost continuously and allowing the vampires to move freely, except for a two or three-hour period when sunlight filters through. The vampires have restructured society as a police state: the strongest and most influential humans have been exterminated. Those spared are used as slaves, while the infirm and weak have been herded into concentration camps to harvest their blood.

A few survivors continue to resist the vampire occupation. Epidemiologist Dr. Ephraim Goodweather grows distant from his friends: the Master, now occupying the body of rock star Gabriel Bolivar, has adopted Goodweather's son, Zach, as his protégé, and is grooming the boy to be his next host body. Goodweather's lover, Dr. Nora Martinez, leaves him for exterminator Vasiliy Fet. Following his friend, Abraham Setrakian's death, Fet struggles to decipher the Occido Lumen, a tome possibly holding the key to defeating the Master. He is aided by Mr. Quinlan, the Master's vengeful half-vampire son.

Flashbacks to biblical times reveal the vampire race's origins: the seven "Ancient Ones," including the Master, arose from Ozryel. Ozryel was an archangel of death, and was one of the three angels that God sent to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for their wickedness. Ozryel was overcome with bloodlust while the cities were destroyed. God punished him by having the other archangels cut his body into seven pieces and scattering them across the Earth. Over time, Ozryel's blood leaked from the burial sites and became sentient, thus spawning the Ancient Ones. The Master was spawned from Ozryel's head.

Goodweather finally deciphers the Occido Lumen and determines that the Master originated on one of the Thousand Islands in Lake Ontario. The survivors detonate a nuclear weapon on the island. Goodweather, Zach, and Mr. Quinlan are killed, but the Master's strain is permanently eradicated. In the explosion, Nora witness Ozryel, presumably purified, reunited with Gabriel and Michael who have come to return him to Heaven. This was possible because Mr. Quinlan brought the other Ancients' ashes with him, following instructions he read in the Lumen. All the vampires disintegrate, and surviving humans can rebuild society. Nora and Vasiliy move to Vermont where they have two children, a boy named after Ephraim and a girl named Mariela, for Nora's mother.
From the third and final book:

Two years have passed since the vampires, led by the Master, used atomic weapons to create a nuclear winter, blocking the sun almost continuously and allowing the vampires to move freely, except for a two or three-hour period when sunlight filters through. The vampires have restructured society as a police state: the strongest and most influential humans have been exterminated. Those spared are used as slaves, while the infirm and weak have been herded into concentration camps to harvest their blood.

A few survivors continue to resist the vampire occupation. Epidemiologist Dr. Ephraim Goodweather grows distant from his friends: the Master, now occupying the body of rock star Gabriel Bolivar, has adopted Goodweather's son, Zach, as his protégé, and is grooming the boy to be his next host body. Goodweather's lover, Dr. Nora Martinez, leaves him for exterminator Vasiliy Fet. Following his friend, Abraham Setrakian's death, Fet struggles to decipher the Occido Lumen, a tome possibly holding the key to defeating the Master. He is aided by Mr. Quinlan, the Master's vengeful half-vampire son.

Flashbacks to biblical times reveal the vampire race's origins: the seven "Ancient Ones," including the Master, arose from Ozryel. Ozryel was an archangel of death, and was one of the three angels that God sent to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for their wickedness. Ozryel was overcome with bloodlust while the cities were destroyed. God punished him by having the other archangels cut his body into seven pieces and scattering them across the Earth. Over time, Ozryel's blood leaked from the burial sites and became sentient, thus spawning the Ancient Ones. The Master was spawned from Ozryel's head.

Goodweather finally deciphers the Occido Lumen and determines that the Master originated on one of the Thousand Islands in Lake Ontario. The survivors detonate a nuclear weapon on the island. Goodweather, Zach, and Mr. Quinlan are killed, but the Master's strain is permanently eradicated. In the explosion, Nora witness Ozryel, presumably purified, reunited with Gabriel and Michael who have come to return him to Heaven. This was possible because Mr. Quinlan brought the other Ancients' ashes with him, following instructions he read in the Lumen. All the vampires disintegrate, and surviving humans can rebuild society. Nora and Vasiliy move to Vermont where they have two children, a boy named after Ephraim and a girl named Mariela, for Nora's mother.
Thanks man.

What happened to the hacker chick? Exterminator getting some :pimp:

Seems like they can last up to 5 seasons. Anymore would be watering it too much.
:lol: I read the ending on wikipedia once awhile ago but I forgot or didn't read that one part

The nuclear fallout. I mean a nuclear winter where the sky is blocked out most of the day means it's a global extinction level event for humans. Not many humans would be left after a nuclear fallout. Billions would die and that's just those in the Americas and western Europe. It would take decades for humans farthest away from the blast to even be able to live on the surface. I'm not even sure the vamps would be able to survive either the new environment or the lack of humans to feed on.

So that doesn't make much sense :lol:

It's pretty bad. As in not good and bad for them :lol:
Man this is one of the few times I'm gonna resist reading the spoilers.

I intend to pick up the books in the near future and don't want the ending ruined.

I'll  settle for "bleak" and call it that. 
Dammit. I guess coco does like palmer's old balls. She's gross. I was hoping she was just sent there to spy on him. She's reminding me of fat kingpin's woman from daredevil. An accomplished, smart woman who knowingly gets with a scumbag, rich guy.

The gladiator guy is like a bald, white Blade.
Oh yeah that was nasty and pretty shocking.

Sad she don't she get old wormy vamp balls though.

:lol: Yeah once they started establishing dude's background and called him a half breed I was like this is white Blade that looks uglier and less human.
coco gonna get pregnant with a half vampire baby too to fight the white Blade.
coco gonna get pregnant with a half vampire baby too to fight the white Blade.
She wants that bread from Palmer. Lol.

Last night was pretty good. Lol at Fett just blowing the building up and it happened to land at the right place blocking the path for them to fight two on two.

The story line is moving slow as expected. It's like one day per episode since doc just got back from DC.
That's what I found dumb :lol:

When Setrakian said to blow the place I thought he had enough explosives to level the entire building. He just had 3 all on the same floor and he sets it for 1 min :lol: :smh: where it conveniently stops that guy from fighting the master. No thought in that plan at all.

If anything, he should've set the bombs when they had eyes on the master. Then occupied them for a min with a fight.
That's what I found dumb :lol:

When Setrakian said to blow the place I thought he had enough explosives to level the entire building. He just had 3 all on the same floor and he sets it for 1 min :lol: :smh: where it conveniently stops that guy from fighting the master. No thought in that plan at all.

If anything, he should've set the bombs when they had eyes on the master. Then occupied them for a min with a fight.
Fett gonna be real grumpy now that his chick found her bff.
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