THE STRAIN on FX -- from Guillermo Del Toro -- Sunday, July 13 at 10pm

she was cute.  I knew once she doubted moms it was a wrap for her.  But lil scratch n your comprimised?? sup with that? i thought it was only worms or a sucking. 
they just ran right by the cabbie and the dead boddies....:smh:
so we are dealing wth bionic vampires and blind humans this **** is getting humorous.
Vampire gang??? WTF!! :rofl:

They usually turn so there probably wasn't any dead body outside of the cab anymore.
So the trap they did was useless and now the guy's wife will have her cancer treatment taken away. SMH.

Shame what happened to the daughter, she was cute. Can't wait to hear the story about that vampire extermination squad.
Watched the repeat :smh:

Cabbie just ignores my mans pleas to pull off, sits and waits to be attacked, sees this thing ain't human, proceeds to get out of protected car to shoot vamp in head but doesn't notice the other vamp within arms reach!?

I feel like it was a bunch of times the ignored the whole sunlight angle of this thing.

Subway full of people with medical mask? Sooooo people know it's a virus or nah?

All the people turned in public and still no wide spread panic?

Why did it take the plane passengers so long to turn but everyone else seems to turn in hours?

So many questions.

Is there another writer strike in Hollywood I don't know about?
The show just writes characters to act very stupid. Cab driver just sits there thinking while the passenger is screaming and monsters surround the cab. Yeah he has a gun but you should still drive the hell out of there if you're in the car already.

The fbi and cops are at the same level of competence as the ones in the following. Gus killed that infected dude last episode and the cops didn't bother to look at the body.
Yea I feel stupider ever week for sitting through eps... But there's something about it I like. Smh
I just wanna know how some are human like and the rest turn primitive...but that one with the mom figured out how to break the glass :lol:

Setrakian is weak all that talk a few misses with the sword and he gets choked out. Where's the nail gun?
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That's what I'm saying!!! The dumb ****. Like it really gets under my skin. I've never wanted to talk to the characters in any show like I do this one. Maybe that's what the writers are after though.
Wow at that ending. They had me thinking if anyone was gonna save those kids somehow it'd be the exterminator :lol: Don't ask me how he shows up in Westchester. Don't think the these vamps in riot gear is a good sign. I'm just going off a hunch based off another vampire movie but I bet they're just herding all the humans together to be livestock (can't eat all your food in one sitting) and taking out the vamps that are still in zombie feeding mode since they're useless right now.

The rest of the ep though had me rolling my eyes at points. That they thought it'd be so easy to tail dude :lol: The sick wife just being one way one second and another when Eph shows up. The dumb daughter not listening when they were in clear danger and then running in to a damn closed off space instead of outside. Even worse the dumb *** cab driver that refused to drive away. The writers are purposely trying to enrage us over their stupidity.

I will say, to me they've been hinting all along that Walder Frey is just too old and frail to take down this nazi dude. The back story was dope though. Made me more interested, I hope when they come to the climax of that story they dedicate a whole ep to it.
This show really is like that trash called the Walking the sense that the main characters are so dumb and unlikable that you want them to be eaten/killed ASAP. Show got me rooting for a Nazi vampire :smh: :lol:
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The writers are purposely trying to enrage us over their stupidity.
THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING!! >: :rofl:
they really have me yelling at my tv :smh: :lol:
when that taxi driver gets out instead of just driving :stoneface:
wonder who/what those swatvamps are... are there good guy vamps in this show?
a part of me wants that to happen, but the other part just wants the humans to get wiped out :lol:
This show really is like that trash called the Walking the sense that the main characters are so dumb and unlikable that you want them to be eaten/killed ASAP. Show got me rooting for a Nazi vampire :smh: :lol:
This still better than TWD.

TWD is incredibly boring, has bad acting, and the story is also just as boring.

I don't know about rooting for a nazi though :rolleyes
I'll root for Vasily because he looks like he's not gonna give a **** about anyone outside of his folks :lol: and even then, he just gave one warning and dipped.
I'll root for Vasily because he looks like he's not gonna give a **** about anyone outside of his folks :lol: and even then, he just gave one warning and dipped.

He is just one bad *** dude :lol: :pimp:

Those vampire killers are what intrigue me though. It seems that they are all for containing the strain, hence them killing the daughter. However IMO, it seems that they have an interior motive that we have yet to be given any details about.

While this show has it's cringe worthy moments, I still find myself extremely interested.
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Interesting twist with this vampire vigilante group.

Jim's wife with the quick heel turn after Eph and group came to their place.
He is just one bad *** dude :lol: :pimp:

Those vampire killers are what intrigue me though. It seems that they are all for containing the strain, hence them killing the daughter. However IMO, it seems that they have an interior motive that we have yet to be given any details about.

While this show has it's cringe worthy moments, I still find myself extremely interested.

Don't know why, but this was funny to me. "Ulterior" is the word you're looking for.
The squad from the end wasnt in the comics so Im puzzled what they are.
Still an entertaining show but its a shame its not a serious show.
So the trap they did was useless and now the guy's wife will have her cancer treatment taken away. SMH.
Was thinking this too. He was the reason the whole thing spread when he let the truck with the coffin go so that his wife could get the treatment and he gave up what he had done the deed for with that poorly set up trap.

The vampire extermination squad definitely seemed suspicious. I initially thought they were just more intelligent and organized ones that wanted their blood for themselves, especially when the main guy inspected the children's necks I thought he was about to attack. I did notice however that the babysitter who has shown that she can perceive the danger wasn't very hesitant around them the way she was around the mom. Maybe they are good after all, but I also feel like they have an ulterior motive.

I was curious as to how the younger guy ends up escaping from jail. I don't see him as a character that's going to die, at least anytime soon, and he hasn't linked up with anyone like I think he will. I'm also curious as to what happened to Eph's ex-wife's boyfriend. He probably got infected/will get infected and you already know who his first targets will be. He'll come home to the ones he loves most.
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