I think for the most part if you can get out of it is just awareness of abuse. I know this film is a far fetched idea but just replace it with a father and daughter and you realize how true to life this can be sometimes. You can only imagine how it is scary to know at any time someone can take advantage of you like that.
Aint nothing classic about this sick ****.

I remember coming in to this thinking it'd be another gore or graphic movie I could stomach since I'm so desensitized like A Serbian Film but this turned out to be some really disturbing methodical sick **** :x

lol its a classic shocker at least! I've shown it to all my friends
So apparently I'm late to the party and this movie is trending on social media.

I watched and really not as disturbed as most.
my shorty just heard about this this week and she watched. she said it wasnt as crazy as people make it out to be.

i saw this thread get bumped and decided to watch it again. First time since '11

bruh.... :x :x :x its STILL reckless af to me. Still disgusting. The pain in that fathers eyes. Movie creepy as hell.

This world too desensitized. I've seen it before and I'm still creeped out. Babygirl like 'meh, could've been worse' you wanna see penetration? that **** was awful.
I heard about this short film a good week or so before I decided to watch it. The reactions and responses were so over the top I decided to give it a look. Was nowhere near as crazy as the reactions warranted. Taboo yes, but sexual abuse is a thing.

From my perspective it is nothing more than a bizarre extreme on the effects of child molestation, because I did gather that the father did some foul stuff to the kid back in the day that caused him to turn out that way.

It was sort of hinted at in the father and son dialog right before pops darted out the door and got hit by the car.
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I heard some of my students talking about this and instantly remembered this thread. Someone post the gif of homie kicking in the door :lol:
Trust story, I worked on a short film with the Dad a few years back. We had a night shoot and his car was in the shop, and I ended up driving him home. The whole time driving back this movie was in my head and I started to freak the **** out and drove him home with the quickness. He was a chill guy though.
Trust story, I worked on a short film with the Dad a few years back. We had a night shoot and his car was in the shop, and I ended up driving him home. The whole time driving back this movie was in my head and I started to freak the **** out and drove him home with the quickness. He was a chill guy though.
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