the thread about nothing...

the struggle meal thing has carried over to my ig from people that don't even come in here 
Reading that NBA thread just proves how easy it is to be a NBA fan
No sense in going back there until the season starts. Being a fan of basketball =/= having basketball knowledge.

Dude up there holding a Cabbage Patch Doll talmbout it's is son 
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Backyard trickshots making screen top 10? They should be ashamed of themselves
The issue with basketball is that it's such a easy sport to observe that anyone can watch a game and think they know what the **** they talking about.
Very true. The NBA thread is like this...a LOT. I call it the 2K mentality.

Too damn young for life to be that messy
Story time

My boy, one of my best friends who's close like a brother, had been friends with this girl since kindergarten.

Let's call him Greg and her Kerry.

At the end of sophomore year, he tells me he's linking up with her. At first his plan was to thot her out,she agreed to some

Panera Bread in non-explicit exchange for some sloppy toppy and a money shot. No joke.

Sidenote: he was in a ten-month relationship with a girl who wouldn't have sex until ten months had passed.

When the ten months come up and it's time to get some yambs she takes a summer trip to Africa.

Fast forward to junior year, these love birds have been canoodling all summer and are a full fledged item.

He took her virginity, and she's fully enamored with him, he's getting consistent yambs and couldn't be more happy.

All of a sudden my boy breaks up with her, she's crying hysterically, turns out he was forced to break up with her 

by his mom. 

I later find out that back in the day, Kerry's mom used to bully Greg's mom.

So Greg's mom has held a decades long grudge.

Also, Kerry's mom has been known throughout the neighborhood for having lesbian

affairs. SO she is a neighborhood pariah. 

This break-up make-up thing happens all throughout junior and senior year.

At the start of senior year Kerry gets my number and calls me from the hospital.

Due to the fact that she can't openly text Greg, she has me relay the message.

My friend tells me later that she had a miscarriage and has cervical problems

on top of that she may be infertile.

One day my boy's sister caught them in school and told her mom, which resulted in

my boy getting kicked out of the house.

That's right his OWN SISTER.

That part is sad so let me insert some happiness.

In order to keep Greg, Kerry becomes as freaky as she can be, including but not limited to

choking, slapping, and incidental anal.

She also becomes a loyal girl, giving him rides and cooking, not just for him , but for his friends

which luckily includes me. 

Greg is for the most part satisfied, but I believe Kerry understands that with

college coming up she only has so much time left with him, so she'll do anything to keep him.

My boy sees her loyalty and can't bare to lose her or break it off completely.
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That **** crazy rusty. Reminds me of this one dude I know who has a crazy grandpa and lesbian mom, he's mad cool though.

I was listening to that new Petey pablo tape and it sounds like 2006.
How long did it take?
I can run a 8 minute mile but I doubt I can keep up that pace for more than 1 mile :lol:
That discourages me from running cause a can't keep the pace I want for longer distances.

I ran 1.5 miles in about 14 minutes. It took me longer running back because I stopped to do leg exercises every quarter mile.
aalisupreme aalisupreme story ****** up man. Girl is damaged goods and those experiences going to change the way both them handle relationships in the future.
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