the thread about nothing...


Moved it to Fridays? .........That's fine.

After that great show Whitney? :stoneface: ......That's fine.

Fired the creator? >: ahskjasjasdasd .......That's fine.

Probably gonna be cancelled and end at 13 episodes? >: >: >: .....That's fine.


Fridays are known as dead time slots...shows dont last when they get moved to fridays and eventually get cancelled
gamebreakers aren't cheating :lol:'s sorta like a super combo move in fighting games w/e.....i didn't do any cheesy stuff either like chillin at the rim
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@Nowitzness41 good taste my man. def a vibed out smoking track. listened to it wearing Turtle Beach headphones when I was baked :x :wow:

Happy birthday Da Catfish.
on point like an elbow, hands red like Elmo.

these lil kids low key geeked on this track though.

the hell are takis?
i am though- and i said better than 7 or 8 out of a group of 10. You were getting a little annoying before the move from yuku (kept arguing back and forth nonstop with dudes who were trying to get a rise out of you).

Its good you hold yourself in high regards.
From what I remember I got a rise out of them 8)

I feel so bad for him na.
Shoefreak is back? I liked her posts, no simp. Now Cap needs to come back too.
I lived with my twin all of college, you're making the right decision.

:D I like your post, no simp
I been stopped posting a lot even before the change because my online classes were over, had to step away from the computer and I wuz confuze with the change.
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