the thread about nothing...

Appreciate the responses repped.

As far as money is concerned its an argument to be had for money allocation.  Its an agree to disagree type thing for me since i think we should spend TONS less on the defense budget and pump money into technology and education which would far advance us as a human race more then having the worlds largest army 100 fold

I just know when BGE replaced my thermostat a Smart Thermostat wasn't an option...i feel like it should just be pushed down like basic cable-digital cable-X1 box type steez :lol:  

I know fingerprinting isn't necessarily the most secure form but lets find something that is so i can not carry keys and have one digital hub on me.  Or a combo of finger then code or retina scan or whole hand scan or something cool

The self healing asphault blows my mind.  Thats the stuff i love learning about.  Like i want my money going to that.  No more pot holes all roads would be better.  Thats why i want to take courses on 3D printing that is something else that blows my mind.

I agree with you about money and asset allocation, especially concerning the defense budget, but you have to keep in mind that things like the technology that powers those smart thermostats, fingerprint/retinal scanners, hell even the internet itself would not be around had it not been for Defense spending. There is good and bad that comes along with it.

The desire to have one digital hub is inherently flawed from a security standpoint. Even services like iCloud have two factor authentication for that purpose. Its just not a good security plan. Every system has flaws, even if those flaws are limited to the humans controlling that system. Until quantum computing and block chain technology takes off, there is literally no safe way to create "one digital hub". It doesn't work. What works and what's most effective on a grand scale is often the simplest solution, not the coolest.

You can do 3d printing at home homie. Reddit has a bunch of info regarding it if youre interested.
I usually dont get too personal on here.i mainly use nt for laughs & to "de-stress"....

But i mayy have to green warrant my mom today..

This is tough
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Is it

"My trap is still bunky"


"My trap is still bunkin"

I say bunky since the next line is bungee

and how come when i right click words it doesn't spell check i am changing back to the old reply box


Suddenly, I have the urge to listen to Juiceman...
Is it

"My trap is still bunky"


"My trap is still bunkin"

I say bunky since the next line is bungee

and how come when i right click words it doesn't spell check i am changing back to the old reply box
bunky, look at all of these hunderds[/QUOTE]
OG was trash, one of the movies that I hate with all my being and will never watch.

I wish you would've told me before I copped you the remastered dvd with thx sound and live commentary boo
Just found out that this lady that I work with is Draya mom. Haha! I should tell her that there is a 1000 page thread of her daughter on here.
Why is there such slow progress with the digital age?  Is it because of security? Money? 

Why can't my finger/hand print or even a digital access code or my cell phone unlock my house?  Why doesn't every house come with a smart thermostat to save you money by learining your patterns of when you are and aren't in the house?  Why do people still have to drive why can't cars drive themselves?  Why haven't we found permanent solutions to things like glass and concrete and rubber (i know there is technology for self healing concrete and asphault which i can't wait for because things these days shouldn't break so easily).  Which leads me into medical advancement problems with our ability to regrow and regenerate cells but yet its not moving along fast enough.


Most of this stuff is possible though? Not sure if serious.

The only hold up I see are the medical advancements and that's because of ethics/religion wars + lack of funding--not necessarily the science its self.
TIL K. Michelle is a singer. Might need a testosterone injection after kind of liking that Love em all song.
Butt cheeks so plump in the behind the scenes video :smh:
The lack of advancement in medicine is due to the fact that it is more lucrative to keep people sick.

I mean there's that, but there's also people who will protest just about every medical advancement that's made (see: stem cells, anti-vax people, etc) because of moral/religious beliefs.

Those protests and behind the scenes meetings cause a lot of research funding to be redirected, and sometimes disappear, which inhibits progress for things like a cure.

Pharma companies aren't inhibited by the same things because they're private.
Thinking about moving out west next year. Tired of Maryland.
where you from in MD?

Its like the pharma companies are too strict for their own good.  You got to pass 100000 hurdles to get your drug to the public and they need to have extensive testing and all that because of the old "well in 5 years in made him grow a 6th toe" type stuff.  I feel like they don't let some of this stuff through for population control purposes (puts on tin foil hat)

I love the idea of 3D printing.  I want to know how the software works how the materials function how they bond how the software works etc.  I know you can do it at home but people at my job use it all the time and its literally just crazy space age technology to me.  The possibilities with it are literally endless.

Aint no profit in a cure.

Ain't no prosperity in keeping a healthy population either, population control means more natural resources. I don't wish death upon anyone, but I do wish people would stop havin so many damn kids.
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