the thread about nothing...

"Seems like it's no competition in this rap world expedition, I come around and knock ya out position"
Where is that from fam? :nerd:
Anyone got any good wallet recommendations? And some good credit card holders/sleeves?
I have a polo wallet now.  I have had it for about 2 years.  It has held up slightly worse then my Calvin Klein wallet i got at Macy's off one of those spin racks for $15.  The polo wallet was a gift but cost $65.

Not sure if that is a quiz or not....craig mack...flava in ya ear
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Got that Wells Fargo card. Now who has a dope list of pics to choose from so I can have a cool/funny custom card? 
Why is there such slow progress with the digital age?  Is it because of security? Money? 

Why can't my finger/hand print or even a digital access code or my cell phone unlock my house?  Why doesn't every house come with a smart thermostat to save you money by learining your patterns of when you are and aren't in the house?  Why do people still have to drive why can't cars drive themselves?  Why haven't we found permanent solutions to things like glass and concrete and rubber (i know there is technology for self healing concrete and asphault which i can't wait for because things these days shouldn't break so easily).  Which leads me into medical advancement problems with our ability to regrow and regenerate cells but yet its not moving along fast enough.

Why is there such slow progress with the digital age?  Is it because of security? Money? 

Why can't my finger/hand print or even a digital access code or my cell phone unlock my house?  Why doesn't every house come with a smart thermostat to save you money by learining your patterns of when you are and aren't in the house?  Why do people still have to drive why can't cars drive themselves?  Why haven't we found permanent solutions to things like glass and concrete and rubber (i know there is technology for self healing concrete and asphault which i can't wait for because things these days shouldn't break so easily).  Which leads me into medical advancement problems with our ability to regrow and regenerate cells but yet its not moving along fast enough.



All that.

Do you really want that in your life?
Why is there such slow progress with the digital age?  Is it because of security? Money? 

Why can't my finger/hand print or even a digital access code or my cell phone unlock my house?  

Because, in spite of what TV makes it out to be, finger/hand prints are a very insecure form of credentials. Don't believe me? Put some seran wrap on the screen of your smart phone, mouse, or any surface you touch frequently and you'll be able to lift the prints. Do you really want your house to be that easy to get into?

Digital access codes aren't that great either. Brute forcing would make a lot of people vulnerable because people pick terrible passwords.
Why doesn't every house come with a smart thermostat to save you money by learining your patterns of when you are and aren't in the house?  

Those NEST thermostats are less than 5 years old. Most houses were built in the mid-1900s. You can do the math yourself, but another challenge is that many homes simply weren't built with things like that in mind. YOU can pay to have that installed in your crib right now if you wanted to, but its not the responsibility of the people who built the house to build that kind of stuff into it. Most people wouldn't even know how to configure that, which would create a bunch of headaches anyways.

Why do people still have to drive why can't cars drive themselves?  

You can pay for equipment that will allow your car to drive itself. Fact of the matter is, its new tech. It takes time for it to be implemented. I'm sure its probably illegal in many places as it is.

Why haven't we found permanent solutions to things like glass and concrete and rubber (i know there is technology for self healing concrete and asphault which i can't wait for because things these days shouldn't break so easily).  Which leads me into medical advancement problems with our ability to regrow and regenerate cells but yet its not moving along fast enough.

All of these things cost money. They have solar panels that can double as windows, self healing asphalt, and they can regenerate your skin in a lab for skin graphing purposes -- but it costs money. As far as the roads and medical research are concerbed, most of that cost falls on the govt. How does the government get money? Are you willing to see another $100-$200 out of your paycheck to make those things happen?
Appreciate the responses repped.

As far as money is concerned its an argument to be had for money allocation.  Its an agree to disagree type thing for me since i think we should spend TONS less on the defense budget and pump money into technology and education which would far advance us as a human race more then having the worlds largest army 100 fold

I just know when BGE replaced my thermostat a Smart Thermostat wasn't an option...i feel like it should just be pushed down like basic cable-digital cable-X1 box type steez 

I know fingerprinting isn't necessarily the most secure form but lets find something that is so i can not carry keys and have one digital hub on me.  Or a combo of finger then code or retina scan or whole hand scan or something cool

The self healing asphault blows my mind.  Thats the stuff i love learning about.  Like i want my money going to that.  No more pot holes all roads would be better.  Thats why i want to take courses on 3D printing that is something else that blows my mind.
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Due to not finishing many years ago

I'm tired of hearing about college life :lol:

Still want everyone to flourish tho

I finished.

I often times think about whether I'd trade my degree to not have this debt. I have a kid now. I'm not so sure I'm going to push college on him like it was pushed on me.
Due to not finishing many years ago

I'm tired of hearing about college life

Still want everyone to flourish tho
I finished.

I often times think about whether I'd trade my degree to not have this debt. I have a kid now. I'm not so sure I'm going to push college on him like it was pushed on me.

Went to a super expensive college graduated with a lot of debt work with people who did the smart college to in state school are basically debt free or complain about their $200 a month loan payments....I am jelly and now smarter.
Is it

"My trap is still bunky"


"My trap is still bunkin"

I say bunky since the next line is bungee

and how come when i right click words it doesn't spell check i am changing back to the old reply box
I don't know, but "Short Bus Shorty" and OJ da Juiceman's adlib video are both classics.

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