the thread about nothing...

bruh my digestive system is terrible I'm sitting here on the John with the 1x2 combo and a space heater next to me cux its so cold

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I had a crazy dream yesterday. For some reason I saw this dude who took some of my stuff (forgot what) and left it on a stop sign giving it back (kinda like teasing me about it). Then some dude comes to my door knocking with something that belonged too me. At that moment I snapped and held him with a shank while the car outside that was waiting for him, one of his homies came out with a gun telling me to let em go. After that I woke up. I need to get away from the hood or I'm going crazy :smh:
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I had a crazy dream yesterday. For some reason I saw this dude who took some of my stuff (forgot what) and left it on a stop sign giving it back. Then some dude comes to my door knocking with something that belonged too me. At that moment I snapped and held him with a shank while the car outside he came in, one of his homies came out with a gun telling me to let em go. After that I woke up. I need to get away from the hood :smh:

Wacky dream bro

Your avy tho, is damnnnnnnnnnnn hot! :smokin
Turn on the flat screen while getting ready for work and pop the back light goes out. Perfect timing my division is being outsourced at the end of the month.

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Turn on the flat screen while getting ready for work and pop the back light goes out. Perfect timing my division is being outsourced at the end of the month.

Are they keeping some of you guys on or everyones gone? They're doing that to an entire department at my job, told them back in October that they have until May. Crazy stuff
Finally decided about my job situation im taking the money. Its too much to say no to.

I struggle to sleep too but eventually my body has enough and gives up. I am up at 5 every day for work so i get about 5 hours a night and work out 5 times a week. So on a random thursday or Wednesday i come home from work and lay down and take an hour nap. Always feels very refreshing.

I know people always say the same stuff. But reading a book helps me sleep. Meditating before i sleep, just sitting in bed and focusing on deep breathing. Or writing helps. Get all of your thoughts and stresses out on paper so they aren't in your head helps too.
still awake. i've been tossing and turning in my bed since 2am. my room is pitch black and i had no phone or music on me.  
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Turn on the flat screen while getting ready for work and pop the back light goes out. Perfect timing my division is being outsourced at the end of the month.

Are they keeping some of you guys on or everyones gone? They're doing that to an entire department at my job, told them back in October that they have until May. Crazy stuff

Everyone is gone :smh: . We were told during October we have until early Feb. They had the nerve to ask if we can make a power point and a plain text guide so they can train the group in India :rolleyes
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I'm biased on pizza though :lol:  but I understand, I hear food from England is terrible

Might I interest you in some haggis ? (Google it, I dare you... Just the sight of this stuff is vomit inducing :x )

British cuisine is god awful. :x Everything they make is boiled until there is no semblance of nutrients or flavor left :x

Back in middle school we did a year long project where every student was assigned a different country to report on and at the end of the year we all represented our country in a moc-UN scenario in the cafeteria and by bringing a native dish to share. I was assigned the UK and needless to say my food did not go over very well :lol:
Finally decided about my job situation im taking the money. Its too much to say no to.

I struggle to sleep too but eventually my body has enough and gives up. I am up at 5 every day for work so i get about 5 hours a night and work out 5 times a week. So on a random thursday or Wednesday i come home from work and lay down and take an hour nap. Always feels very refreshing.

I know people always say the same stuff. But reading a book helps me sleep. Meditating before i sleep, just sitting in bed and focusing on deep breathing. Or writing helps. Get all of your thoughts and stresses out on paper so they aren't in your head helps too.
You're making the smart choice. The more you make now the more you can ask for down the road
Turn on the flat screen while getting ready for work and pop the back light goes out. Perfect timing my division is being outsourced at the end of the month.

Are they keeping some of you guys on or everyones gone? They're doing that to an entire department at my job, told them back in October that they have until May. Crazy stuff
Everyone is gone
. We were told during October we have until early Feb. They had the nerve to ask if we can make a power point and a plain text guide so they can train the group in India
Theyre not serious.

I've come to learn that corporations really give 0 damns about people. In the two years I've been here almost 100 people have been let go across the offices and their jobs moved to offices where they can pay less cause the cost of living is less or being outsourced.
First morning of doing school work, and I'm done with it all in about 2 hours. I think I made a great choice in choosing Philosophy for my humanities, got caught up in the reading and read into tomorrow's reading pages. :pimp:
Anyone ever call their bank and fight an overdraft fee?

I forgot to transfer funds before I paid this bill and got an overdraft fee

I have capital one if that matters
Anyone ever call their bank and fight an overdraft fee?

I forgot to transfer funds before I paid this bill and got an overdraft fee

I have capital one if that matters

banks usually give you a one time courtesy to remove it. good for 1x a month
Anyone ever call their bank and fight an overdraft fee?

I forgot to transfer funds before I paid this bill and got an overdraft fee

I have capital one if that matters

When I used to work for a bank, unless we flat out couldn't do it, it was at our discretion.


We could see your call history, so if we say you kept calling back trying to get someone to return the fees, you FASHO wasn't gonna get it.
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