the thread about nothing...

was good widdit papi

Took me a minute to catch up on all the posts

I'm pretty sure he's lurking.
Reply to my text B

got into ucsc!

Congrats bro. Flourish!

What's ya major?
What the hell Omar do this time?
i was being immature

sorry meth

I'm at SMC actually. You go to UCLA IIRC?


No way!!! Crazy!!!
I went there too. I transferred out already tho

did u graduate from da 323 yet doe?
He offered her the world, but came up short
The nastiest of storms made him settle on a city with a port

They skimmed rocks for the whole day
He imagined he was throwin' rotten parts of himself that broke away
So he couldn't stop, fascinated by the way they skip up top
Give up and then drop, he sank with them
They convened on the rock bottom and made a decision
They could never raise children, not like this
Not like people who make babies on purpose
That's when he came to the surface, fully intending
To be so strong in his resolve, 'til all of it dissolves
Slippin' through his pruny fingers like this could've been ours
But this is to the offers that can't be followed through with
The water works, the leaky faucet still lost fluids
To the current of the stream that'll always push you from me
To the reoccurring dream that makes reality less ugly
In a picturesque setting, where the world looks airbrushed
Needless to say, words failed us
Nawzlew Nawzlew yeah I transferred from Pierce but I actulaly went to lavc, and mission college too when I couldn't get classes. Sometimes I would go to all three when I had to take the bus and couldn't drive yet. Sucked. :lol:
lol I remember spring break....

We should do like Europe and give EVERYONE off for spring break/
These moth holes, b?


Bastards feasted thru half the collect.
No joke my roommate's adderall has the same logo on it as Beats by Dre :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Wish I was born into a millionaires family, I know its the easy way out but damn I still wish it was my family. Life could be lived to the fullest with no work at all. As it should be, no slavery
He offered her the world, but came up short
The nastiest of storms made him settle on a city with a port

They skimmed rocks for the whole day
He imagined he was throwin' rotten parts of himself that broke away
So he couldn't stop, fascinated by the way they skip up top
Give up and then drop, he sank with them
They convened on the rock bottom and made a decision
They could never raise children, not like this
Not like people who make babies on purpose
That's when he came to the surface, fully intending
To be so strong in his resolve, 'til all of it dissolves
Slippin' through his pruny fingers like this could've been ours
But this is to the offers that can't be followed through with
The water works, the leaky faucet still lost fluids
To the current of the stream that'll always push you from me
To the reoccurring dream that makes reality less ugly
In a picturesque setting, where the world looks airbrushed
Needless to say, words failed us

Yo this was deep fam, you wrote this?
Been doing this a long time some would say the longest, all the hard times ive overcome made me the strongest. I would never lie to you thats me being honest, every star shines before it dies im haleys comet. Which means i will be back and thats a ************* promise, you can have everything in this world if you want it, you just gotta really want it for the right reasons, and never change like people do with the seasons, see even thru the fame i never changed thats for certain, refused to sell my soul which is why im the same person. And how i came and left once i had my baby girl, to tell the truth my time with her i wouldnt trade it for the world. I was on a path of destruction highway to hell, only those who walked the road i walked can really tell....
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