the thread about nothing...

Man the weirdest thing just happened to me today. For dinner I was home alone so I was gonna heat up a pizza in the microwave oven

This is a microwave oven I've been using for 5 years and had even used earlier today. I put the pizza in the oven and I just couldn't remember how to use it.

I spent 5 minutes pushing random buttons trying to remember how to heat up the oven. Eventually I had to call my mom and ask her which buttons to press.

After I ate the pizza I started getting visual hallucinations in my peripheral vision too, been a while since that happened.

My mom said I've been forgetting things that I should know often lately.

Last week I couldn't remember my age; I really didn't know if I was 20 or 21.
Man the weirdest thing just happened to me today. For dinner I was home alone so I was gonna heat up a pizza in the microwave oven
This is a microwave oven I've been using for 5 years and had even used earlier today. I put the pizza in the oven and I just couldn't remember how to use it.
I spent 5 minutes pushing random buttons trying to remember how to heat up the oven. Eventually I had to call my mom and ask her which buttons to press.
After I ate the pizza I started getting visual hallucinations in my peripheral vision too, been a while since that happened.
My mom said I've been forgetting things that I should know often lately.
Last week I couldn't remember my age; I really didn't know if I was 20 or 21.

As long as you remember NT, then what else do you need to know? Just kiddin, if you're on meds it may be just a side effect, if not go get checked out , you're too young to be going through that.
Man the weirdest thing just happened to me today. For dinner I was home alone so I was gonna heat up a pizza in the microwave oven

This is a microwave oven I've been using for 5 years and had even used earlier today. I put the pizza in the oven and I just couldn't remember how to use it.

I spent 5 minutes pushing random buttons trying to remember how to heat up the oven. Eventually I had to call my mom and ask her which buttons to press.

After I ate the pizza I started getting visual hallucinations in my peripheral vision too, been a while since that happened.

My mom said I've been forgetting things that I should know often lately.

Last week I couldn't remember my age; I really didn't know if I was 20 or 21.
time to see the doctor bruh
As long as you remember NT, then what else do you need to know? Just kiddin, if you're on meds it may be just a side effect, if not go get checked out , you're too young to be going through that.
It's probably just my brain cyst causing it. It's 7,5cm x 3.5 x 1.9 located in the right cerebellum and a 2mm brainsterm hernia due to the cyst.

I have an appointment on May 26th with the head of neurology in the university hospital of Ghent to discuss my symptoms and the cyst.

That's when I know if the cyst can caan be operated.

As for my medication I currently use:

Tramadol 100mg ******  4 times a day

Zopiclone 7,5 2 pills 10 minutes before I get in bed
I have really been on another level recently with my thinking lately.

^ Me three, brehs.

Also, making beats & playing CoD simultaneously is hella fun. :smokin

I like watching TV/a show and making stuff to it, adds a new element imo when picking & choosing sounds.

are house had the worse yard hands down on are street...grass was like 2 feet high and it was just nasty...i spend $130 buying mulch, soil, flowers and garden stuff. i fix the yard and make it look nice...real nice. and my dad has the audacity to say the flowers by the mailbox are ugly  

That dude is a **** :lol: Hope you make it through this with no problems bruh.
My practice administrator accused me of stealing coupons :smile:eek :smh:)
I got mad, sent out some resumes.
Interviewed today. Hired on the spot with higher salary, less responsibilities and small sign on bonus.

Drafting this resignation letter :pimp:

flourish mami. my paypal is ready :nerd:
invest in some tongue cleaners for your girl. having to see all that nasty yellow stuff on her tongue when she cheats on you and bigger dude records it for the world to see is no bueno :smh:
When you go to a BBQ and eat some of the best chicken and ribs in your life and someone insists that you make a plate, do it. :smh:

I ****** up and said nah, tryna be nice because at the time I was full. Came home and been thinking bout that BBQ and corn on the cob since 6pm yesterday.
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