the thread about nothing...


I never understood why main stream media can't say anything about PED use. Like what pro in any sport gets better post 30 years old? Serena is on a tear right now and and built like a house. I am sure she is juicing....but never heard anyone dare make that claim.

Puts on flame suit

Random thoughts of the morning.

You are never too old for uncrustables.
all grocery stores should carry gnocchi
MGSV might get me to buy a PS4
I wonder if people had to eat with smaller utensils if it would lead to eating less? Less bites = longer time to eat = actually feeling full before you are done your plate?

On 4 hours of sleep...lets work
I never understood why main stream media can't say anything about PED use. Like what pro in any sport gets better post 30 years old? Serena is on a tear right now and and built like a house. I am sure she is juicing....but never heard anyone dare make that claim.

Puts on flame suit

I could see if she was built like Venus and then changed into what she is now, but that **** BEEN huge bro
Don't know how people do this coffee thing every morning, I'm satisfied with my agua. But I need the energy.

A few years ago i mentioned i had a daughter i havent met, and probably never will.
It use to bother me to no end. The past 2 months ive been think of moving forward and get this test and some more ****. Just for closure...

I think itll be more trouble than its worth (horrible break and her pops had beef to the point blood was almost spilled..she isnt "allowed" to contact me..etc etc). Im getting a blueprint together to move out of state, only thing i see ima get out of this situation is being placed on child support before i leave. Let it go like ive been doing or tie loose ends?
Drill Time
Man, cut that out 

I never understood why main stream media can't say anything about PED use. Like what pro in any sport gets better post 30 years old? Serena is on a tear right now and and built like a house. I am sure she is juicing....but never heard anyone dare make that claim.

Puts on flame suit
I could see if she was built like Venus and then changed into what she is now, but that **** BEEN huge bro
^ lawd. I logged on and saw the post saying I couldn't finish the vid. I knew slim was culprit behind someone closing laptop. Damm already. Short career.
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