the thread about nothing...


:x :lol
Screening interview went very well.

i'm on top of the list.

Mid-November it will start moving up for me.

Time to Flourish.
IDK what it is I'm not feeling it today. Kinda sad and kinda just going through the motions of daily life .
I like DC a lot but man do I miss Ohio I look forward to my next visit's funny because I talk to all my close friends there pretty much daily lol
Roommate is watching The Big Bang Theory and I can hear it thru my door. I don't find that show funny at all
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Can't sleep and I gotta be up in a few hours for work. Transitioning from nights to day shift every 2 weeks always messes up my sleeping pattern
Wrist still hurts like hell, shouldn't have worked 3 days in a row smh.

Roommate is watching The Big Bang Theory and I can hear it thru my door. I don't find that show funny at all
Never thought it was funny either, just seems weird to me
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morning tan

On about 4 hours of sleep. Deliriously awake though. Make it through the day and i am going straight home to nap. Spreading positivity to everyone today
Stayed up late as hell helping my sister with her homework and then I had to do my own. Got about 3 hours of sleep and I'm kinda busy today smh
On my way to take a piss test now

Im 100% clean but I think I was supposed to do this the other day and missed my appointment. Idk tho, positive thoughts lol
Went to my appointment with that special team of doctors this morning. Just a basic first greeting, going over my conditions and symptoms and scheduling some tests.
Took a blood test before leaving.
A few hours after I got home the specialist calls me and asks to come back to the hospital because something was way off the charts in my bloodtest. I had 75 times the normal count of a muscle degenerating substance. The standard value was 195, I had a little over 15000. It was so high they're assuming it was an error with the bloodtest.
Just left the hospital again after taking a second bloodtest and urine sample.
The specialist will call me back later today with the results of my second blood test to see if those numbers were legit or an error.
If it's not an error though there's probably some bad news coming my way.
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