the thread about nothing...

Belgium Belgium is a warrior!! Fighting through all the illnesses for so long. As always, I wish you the best fam. I know you'll make it.

i know this life is about living and learning, but sometimes i can't help but think about the mistakes i made during the past few years.

:smh: :x  at all the time and money i lost since i was naive and literally put my life on hold. 

You live and you learn.

Glad to know your out of that toxic relationship.
Well I just called the specialist and my suspicions were correct... The second blood test gave the same result. He didn't call yet because the team is still discussing the results and they're trying to come up with some theories and tests. They're calling me back in roughly an hour with more information.
How many more rare illnesses can I get **** my life

Good luck with everything famb and i don't know how you do it but stay up.
Specialist just called me back. They don't have enough data to start looking at specific muscle disorders but it's highly likely to be a serious muscle disorder.

I need to get a muscle biopsy, some more blood/urine tests and a fitness test. Don't know any dates yet but they're trying to move me up the list and get it done soon.
what sites do you guys use to find new songs?
I usually check

I browse KTT ( music section as well, it's very good for leaked music as it's usually posted there first.
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You live and you learn.

Glad to know your out of that toxic relationship.
thanks. and i'm glad too. 
 my current actually treats me like a princess, so that's a plus.

lots of love & hugs to @Colombia  and @Tr1ll  <3
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My uncle passed away last night. He was the "cool uncle" too. He ate healthy and jogged his last marathon in June. Dude just died in his sleep at 63.

**** all that living healthy ****. Im going to do what ever make me happy because when its your time, its your time.

my condolences

that moment where you come back to NT after being gone for more than a year, and realize that you created this account 8 years ago. TIME FLIES......What's up compadres!?

that moment where you come back to NT after being gone for more than a year, and realize that you created this account 8 years ago. TIME FLIES......What's up compadres!?

Watup man welcome back

If there is a God out there he definitely hates me lol. My lung defect was already extremely rare and one of the most complex cases in my country, now I officially have another rare illness, most likely a muscle disorder.
It has to be serious because the substance that was way off the charts on my bloodtest was so high the specialist was convinced it had to be an error.
I'm 21 and have a bigger medical file than the average elderly person.
I've been keeping my head up but idk if I can continue doing so after this bad news.

Bro keep your head up you got this,
Your 21, youll crush all this soon n it will be a thought of the past. God doesn't give the hardest battles to his toughest soldiers, he creates the toughest soldiers through life's hardest battles. We here with you bruh keep us updated.
No shoe talk, but all I'm going to say is this is worth a research paper. 
Been waiting on the update 

Started Breaking Bad today, didn't know it was gonna be this good 

Left my trig binder at school wth man 
 it's always something that happens with this class.. Can't even sit in there without blanking out. If I wasn't going for the advanced diploma i would've dropped the class the first day of school 

No shoe talk, but all I'm going to say is this is worth a research paper. :pimp:
Been waiting on the update :lol: :smokin

Started Breaking Bad today, didn't know it was gonna be this good :wow:  

Left my trig binder at school wth man :smh:  it's always something that happens with this class.. Can't even sit in there without blanking out. If I wasn't going for the advanced diploma i would've dropped the class the first day of school |I  
Fam, I've never been more in love with a pair of shoes. I broke in the foams today, I think I'm going to have to go on a little shopping spree for pairs.
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