the thread about nothing...

Haven't had sex since the last time I complained about it in here. 

I've more or less given up and plan on just being a monk.

Abstinence making me more saintly is all I can hope for at this point
Hey it's C2345air - made this new account after being unable to retrieve my old one. I wonder if any of the old members I used to be cool with still using NT. It's been a HOT minute.
Trying my best to stay positive. Long day at work, sinus infection, Work thanksgiving lunch today too so i have to some how be fake nice for 2+ hours :smh:
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It's been raining a lot lately and it's been affecting my mood

It'll bevreally dope if it was sunny out today

The work and sleep cycle ain't the life but I'm back on my regular sleep schedule now

Got one job and I'm looking to get two before the year is over , let's see how that turns out
Ultimo Dragon had a nerve in his arm messed up by a doctor. He was never really the same after that.
I'm still getting that radiating pain in my leg so that's 3 days now. If it's still there by the end of the week I'll see my doctor again.

I also can't feel touch around the area of my biopsy, which is probably a sign of nerve damage.

Nerve damage sucks though. I have damage to my right ulnar nerve from my 4 hour lung surgery. I can't control my little finger and ring finger on my right hand anymore.

They sort of move along automatically when I move my other fingers but I can't put force behind them or actively control them. Feels a bit weird touching things and it can be a bit of a struggle sometimes only being able to use 3 fingers but for the most part I can deal with it.
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Looking forward to spending time w/ the family over the holiday. Hitting the road Saturday morning and heading to Arkansas for the week. 10 hour drive ahead of me, but thanks to my kids, XM Radio, and Apple Music I will be alright. Glad this won't be my first time making this drive.
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