the thread about nothing...

So my teacher pulled me away from the work that's due this week to partner with some other people on another assignment. Project is where we have to make a new invention for a product made out of cardboard and we wasted a period making a dog house that we're just gonna throw away tomorrow 

Anybody got an idea of what we could make up guys? I ain't that creative so I have no options to offer 
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So my teacher pulled me away from the work that's due this week to partner with some other people on another assignment. Project is where we have to make a new invention for a product made out of cardboard and we wasted a period making a dog house that we're just gonna throw away tomorrow :smh:

Anybody got an idea of what we could make up guys? I ain't that creative so I have no options to offer |I
Well uh a bridge?

House ? Should be simple

Hat? Like a cowboy joint?

Sword? Don't make it simple like . Like a two pieced blade of some sort?


Weight bar? Roll up a long piece of cardboard and attach round layers of cardboard to the ends to resemble the weights?

I tried good luck homie
Should have called 911 instead of trying to act tough :smh:
Well, I might as well tell the whole story. I will try to keep it short - basically his sister just broke up with her boyfriend and since monday he had done three separate drive-bys on their home and on the third time he shot the house up, within a minute of the shooting somebody comes to their front door and my friend opened fire... it turns out it was his neighbor (also his uncles girlfriend) checking on them. Being literally seconds after the gunfire stopped, he assumed it was dude and shot her. She died right there at his front door... the guy that was shooting into their house is being charged with wanton endangerment. I'm not sure of all the details but it's just really messed up.

@Drizzyd @ThatMartianKid I appreciate you guys. It's just real tough, initially they had cleared him and I had went over there yesterday evening and he was just tore up. Truly in rare form, I guess the police picked him up shortly after I left and charged him with 1st degree murder... his hearing is the 18th...
Not yet dammit not yet

Go out in the world and go see some **** . Experience some **** ya know? You gotta lot to see homie

Get yo **** together so you'd be in a better position to raise the child .
well yes, definitely not yet. 
 in the long run. 

my career is looking bright, but before seriously settling down i have lots i want to do and lots of places to go to.
I want a family, period. :/ Husband and kids.
it'll happen! 
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Why do you want a family?
Why would I not? Am I supposed to wander the world on my own until I am dead?

I love my freedom to travel and do as I please, and I have been doing just that, but there will come a time when I won't want to come home to just my cat. I would like someone to hold, people to love and who love me unconditionally. Call me a romantic, but isn't one of the very beauties of being a human being finding someone else to connect with? Locating your kindred spirit? 

I am hopeful and very patient, but I know what I want.
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Why do you want a family?
Why would I not? Am I supposed to wander the world on my own until I am dead?

I love my freedom to travel and do as I please, and I have been doing just that, but there will come a time when I won't want to come home to just my cat. I would like someone to hold, people to love and who love me unconditionally. Call me a romantic, but isn't one of the very beauties of being a human being finding someone else to connect with? Locating your kindred spirit? 

I am hopeful and very patient, but I know what I want.
Alright alright now. Im just askin playa
Well uh a bridge?

House ? Should be simple

Hat? Like a cowboy joint?

Sword? Don't make it simple like . Like a two pieced blade of some sort?


Weight bar? Roll up a long piece of cardboard and attach round layers of cardboard to the ends to resemble the weights?

I tried good luck homie
Those ideas aren't bad man, appreciated and repped. I just really need to do well on this, the winning team gets $750 

Page 10,000 here we come 
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