the thread about nothing...



july! july-er!
Ok theres something crazyIf you go to, and type in "" in the search box, go to the images section, tell me what you seeWarning kinda NSFW
Thanks for letting me know for the NSFW research. I was about to search on my work computer. Dodged a bullet since i have coworkers all around.

Did look on my mobile though
why is it mother nature but father time?

and then time is money

so money is the father

but money is also the root of all evil
i didnt mean that, just why do call it mother nature and father time?

but thats interesting, money is product of nature and time 
how did you find this?
So I do IT for a living

And when someone's internet doesn't work, to test it I go to or becaue the homepage is always changing.  Static webpages can be cached so I use web pages that are constantly changing to determine if the connection is active.

So this person's PC they use google chrome.  I typed in and i think it searched it accidentally.

I dont know how or why I went to Images, but when I did......

EXIT EXIT EXIT DELETE DELETE DELETE  "uhm, maam, I think your internet's working now...."
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