the thread about nothing...


Some folks never learn...
Watch Tribe NYC's Hip-Hop Nostalgia Revolution

Brooklyn-based art and music collective explain their attraction to Eighties and Nineties hip-hop culture

a lot on my mind in this short week of work. I hate when i see things completely different then some one else. Long story follows #getablog #nothanksihaveTAN

So small story i had xmas lunch with my dad yesterday (at noon). Now my dad is a handful. And him and his gf have an ok relationship but it makes me anxious because they are forever correcting one another about everything and have small tiffs mid sentence all the time

ex: Oh we saw something like that at that little shop off Freedmont...No that wasnt that shop it was the one in the mall. No i remember it was freedmont because i said look at this and and then we went to the wawa across the street for gas after we left...oh are you sure...yes.

now that happens like every 3 or so sentences if one of them is telling a story. Its super annoying

So my gf who already has anxiety takes a coladipin (sp???) before we go. Which is normal for her since she is diagnosed depressed and anxious or whatever (another story still trying to understand depression as a disease). Now we get there and my dad offers drinks i have a beer she has some wine. He asks her if she wants more wine she says sure. Asks again she says sure. So she has had 3 glasses of wine (full glasses) and is on her anxiety meds. She is like whispering in my ear about doing it and going home to do it. I am 28 years old she is turning 25 in january.

So the day ends nothing bad happens or what not but i saw it as a completely immature way to approach a family get together and being with my dad. She is telling me how great it was and how she felt so great and how our lives will be perfect and she doesnt' know why we are waiting to get married (we have been together for less then a year about 8 months).

Like how are you looking at this like everything was so great and perfect and im sitting here like idk if i can take this type woman seriously. Like you need to take drugs and get drunk at xmas lunch at my dads house just to be around them??? Needless to say she is now mad at me because she was all talking about our lives together and how great it will be and i said "i am not ready for all that". She followed with "ok, i got to go"
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Just got back from vacation and I put in a 4 weeks letter telling them the 30th will be my last day of work before I went on vacation (been gone 12/5-12/25). Got home and get a letter of my last check. So idk if I should show up to work today, they might of removed me from payroll and the company has a 2 week soft shut down due to the holidays. So IDK if HR's working.  
I swear I work with weirdos

Lady came by my desk early and asked if I was in the army

I said no and she walked away

Too early man :lol:
I swear I work with weirdos

Lady came by my desk early and asked if I was in the army

I said no and she walked away

Too early man :lol:

Usually when I get random questions out of nowhere, ill answer, and NOT give them follow up question like "why do you ask?" This usually throws them for a loop.

But it looks like you got throw for a loop with them just walking away.

Strange indeed. lol
Usually when I get random questions out of nowhere, ill answer, and NOT give them follow up question like "why do you ask?" This usually throws them for a loop.

But it looks like you got throw for a loop with them just walking away.

Strange indeed. lol

That's what I did

I said no and the conversation was over :lol:

She just walked away
Got to work in DTLA within 15 minutes
:smokin holiday traffic

This will probably all end next week doe :x
And I Get Banned From The PYP thread what the heck man :smh: :smh: :smh: Might As Well Call NT Jail Pt. 2. Only been here for a month and already sliding downhill
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My boy said he is a "Hardcore Movie Fan"

He said he just recently watched all of the Star Wars

Do I have valid argument that he is a fraud? :lol:
My boy said he is a "Hardcore Movie Fan"

He said he just recently watched all of the Star Wars

Do I have valid argument that he is a fraud?
Probably. We are in a day an age where everyone claims to be all about everything and it's easy to front like you are because of the internet and this new phenomenon of instantaneous binge watching. Time and place gets marginalized a lot these days, but seeing something as it happens in it's time is important despite how we try to make it seem like it's not important to see it as it unfolds. Yes, the phrase "you just had to be there" still counts 
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