the thread about nothing...

I already told yall about my vacation mishap... so as soon as my credit card clears I'm booking my vacation again solo to go to Cabo or even Punta Cana for all inclusive in December solo... but my mom already told me she wants to go on vacation with me and my sister and my nephew... actually I'm taking my moms tomorrow to get her passport renewed... shes been lagging with it but my sister and nephew already got it regardless I still want to go on a trip solo for the experience but I'm a keep it real with yall I'm ready to go back to the motherland and I will tell my fam that... I already know my nephew who is 12 wants to go there for the first time and my mom went there in 2019 and my sister went in a decade plus can't remember the year.... I haven't been since 94... I didn't want to go back for a few reasons one of them was my grandparents on my dads side... they were nonexistent in my life since they lived in the Philippines and I am here in NJ... but when they did visit they were very distant and cold towards me and my sister... thats why I had no desire to go back to the motherland...not only that its a far flight from NJ and I just can't sit in one seat especially in coach...I had resentment towards them thats why I had no interest in visiting... both of them have already passed... but I just want to get in touch again with my cousins, aunts and uncles and see my country once again and lets see what happens tomorrow when I bring up the conversation with mom dukes tomorrow while taking her to get her passport renewed
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