the thread about nothing...

Negative energy out.....
Positive energy in....

Lost 2 reps..

The mall I work at is most likely gonna be shut down soon 
 my boss asked me would I be able to move to the next store.. don't really know if I wanna go, but at least it's an open position so I have time.
I'm always nervous and a little scared the night before the new semester starts. Two left. I think I'm ready.
HBD datkidfiasco datkidfiasco

Back at work after a cool 2 days off. Got snowed in with my girl. We had a small 1 year since we met anniversary dinner yesterday. And of course on que this bird i used to mess with back in the day that is a 10 hits me up after not speaking to me for about a year. "I wanted to say I am sorry Chris and I broke up, I miss you"

B SWERVE! its like they have a 6th sense for when you are happy and they aren't and they need to reach out in an attempt to ruin your life a little. na not this time
HBD datkidfiasco datkidfiasco

Back at work after a cool 2 days off. Got snowed in with my girl. We had a small 1 year since we met anniversary dinner yesterday. And of course on que this bird i used to mess with back in the day that is a 10 hits me up after not speaking to me for about a year. "I wanted to say I am sorry Chris and I broke up, I miss you"

B SWERVE! its like they have a 6th sense for when you are happy and they aren't and they need to reach out in an attempt to ruin your life a little. na not this time
When the females throw themselves at you but you swerve them because you've got a main :pimp:
My boss is out of the office until Monday


Provide me with 9-5 time wasting SFW links to visit plz :nerd: . I know y'all are good for some.
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