the thread about nothing...

Came in early to work. Ready to hustle :pimp:

1 more month until that raise. The extra couple of hundred bucks every two weeks is going to feel extra nice.
Came in early to work. Ready to hustle :pimp:

1 more month until that raise. The extra couple of hundred bucks every two weeks is going to feel extra nice.

I've been coming in an hour early for the past 2 months to the point where 8:30 has become the norm for me. I'm not mad about it, especialyl because it gives me that leeway to come in the (normal) 9:30 hour without hearing **** about it.
Deleted my Twitter app because I was fed up with how much I've been wasting time with it when I really should've been doing other things

It's amazing how much that **** won't matter to you when it's not right there on the home screen. Just sign in on the Internet app and you'll be 16x more productive, at least.
I keep getting rejected in my job search
Luckily I got a job still, but I have some bad luck
So was Total Recall(with Arnold) a dream? I always thought it wasn't. I watched it last night. The part when he goes to Recall and they show him the alien artifacts made me wonder. The alien stuff Cohagen found was suppose to be secret, yet Recall already had it available as part of the virtual vacation package.
Gonna start investing in my bedroom a bit more. Ordered some silk pillows for me and my mom. 
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