the thread about nothing...

Old chick I used to talk to hit me up at 3 am from a random #.... on some "LOST ONE!! SAVE THIS # LOVE YOU & MISS YOU"... woke up like what the hell is this?? 

Find out it's this one girl I been talking to for years that I fell off with

As recent as June we were talking everyday until about end of July/Beginning of August... She had a son that was a newborn when we started dating for a few months up until he was like 2, now he's 4 and she gonna come at me talking about " G been asking for you, saying Mikey has a new friend and doesn't want to play with me" She petty as hell bringing the kid into the situation, she disappeared to get back with the BD and cut me off randomly, I aint even think twice bout it and kept it moving, now she wana come texting me talking about I got her son attached and dipped? 

Females be on a different wave length now so it seems.. 
^^i wake up bout 50 times a night to take off the covers cuz i'm hot, then put em back on, then take em back off.. pisses me off
A bicyclist ran into my suv this morning. Dented it and everything. :smh:

I'm starting to hate people on bikes. They get their own lane. That's cool. But I hate when they weave through traffic, run red lights, really just follow any rules. But as soon as you drive and they get in your way, your the one to blame. You aren't special.
would it be cool to talk bout NT in my public speaking class???? i have to talk about 3 things about me that I love...

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lol I wont.... I gotta bring 3 items about how they relate to me... Ill just bring my stoned immaculate cd (music) a shoe (sneakers) and my 360 controller (games)

I was gon bring my NT hat -____________-
finally watched the current ep of BB from sunday

this ninja Walt's is on a notha level my ross voice

boi totally broke bad & we still got 9 eps left.... but only one more this yr :smh: :x
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