the thread about nothing...

Im in the office chilling, working on homework, lights out...

Coworker comes in and proceeds to turn on every single god damn light in the office.

Dude has a giant *** window with so much natural light coming through it he has to use the blinds because of the glare, but still feels the need to turn every single light on?

**** like this starts wars
I'm gonna bury my face in my girls breasts next weekend.

you can't say this and not come through with the pics fam.

TAN is waitting.
TAN will wait for an eternity. |I

I'm gonna bury my face in my girls breasts next weekend.

what about her butt tho? what about da hole?
whatchu gonna do?

one can not dismiss the glory of the mass. Both hands must be occupied at all times. The hole is no mans land.
TAN will wait for an eternity. |I
one can not dismiss the glory of the mass. Both hands must be occupied at all times. The hole is no mans land.


this is you


and this is ya mami


not meaning a single word of that statement.

next time you see her you'll hit her like


and when she does you'll notice that a real street papi did what you're too afraid to do and be crying and asking

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got back from playing basketball like 40 minutes ago. been laying in my filth being too lazy to shower.
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