the thread about nothing...

Few days ago I had a dream

I was in a cafeteria or something.

Fat pig looking guy to my right
And a junkie looking girl to my left
Fat guy kept reaching around touching and talkn to the girl

That's all I can remember

Last night I had a dream of my brother stealing from me and me chasing...... I'll live that one alone.

What you think about this first?

Well, dreams can correspond with the affects of events from day before as well as events that played out during your life.

Did the people resemble anyone you know? Did the larger guy share features of someone you know? Their speech; what was being said between these persons?
Nah i don't recall them resembling anyone I know. Don't know what was said either
I read somewhere that you cannot randomly make up a face in your dreams.

All the faces are either someone youve seen irl....on tv.....or combinations of those.
Here is an example:

I had a dream that my grandmother and her friend were in my mom's house, in her bedroom. I remember my grandmother's friend being one of the meanest people I ever met and she often times scared me in my childhood.

In the dream, she and my grandmother were looking for money in my mom's room and I remember I told the lady to get the hell out (LOL). Astonished, she left and I told my grandmother to leave the money on the dresser.

In reality: my mother was in the hospital suffering from a blood clot in her leg. My grandmother took her to the doctor and was staying until she got better. She was paying for it which explains why my grandmother was looking for the money in the dream.

Dream analysis: My grandmother's friend was a representation of the blood clot in my mother's leg since she is associated with both my grandmother, my mother, and to me, as being a mean, "sickening", kind of person.

The dream operated as a wish fulfillment to see my mom get better, to see the blood clot removed, to have my grandmothers friend getting the hell out of her house(my mother's body).

It seemed crazy at first but it made sense after I analyzed it. The human mind is amazing!
Thanks for the kind words guys. I wish I coulda been with my relatives yesterday but had to work. Her death was
really preventable...
cowboys training camp started thursday down the street from me. this heat though 
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