the thread about nothing...

Imagine if us humans as consumers just stop buying materialistic stuff.

bestbuy, costco, nike, addias, etc

My friend decided to apply for my company would it be a snake of me to not recommend him for the job?
Imagine if us humans as consumers just stop buying materialistic stuff.

bestbuy, costco, nike, addias, etc


Removing materialistic things doesn't remove the internal struggle to survive. In fact, these companies provide you with basic nessicities that you have now over indulged in such as foot protection, food, electronics to make living better, etc..

The struggle comes from a desire to attain things and the pursuit to attain them. The struggle exist on every level from simple to complex. Just depends on what you want out of life.
I hate seeing this psychiatrist that's putting me through this edmr treatment that's a bunch of bullcrap that just leaves me feeling pissed off and upset for a day after. A bunch of moving lights ain't gonna fix 7yrs of abuse from work. Gimmick machine I call it. End this treatment n tick me off so I can move on with my life. No quack will improve me only I can and I can only do so when I'm left to do so without constant interruptions and trauma treatment. Ffs [emoji]128554[/emoji]
Removing materialistic things doesn't remove the internal struggle to survive. In fact, these companies provide you with basic nessicities that you have now over indulged in such as foot protection, food, electronics to make living better, etc..

The struggle comes from a desire to attain things and the pursuit to attain them. The struggle exist on every level from simple to complex. Just depends on what you want out of life.

all i was tryna say is imagine a world that doesnt worrry about name brands or how much your car costs, etc

Now imagine if all of us teamed up and started to walk to work or wear basic payless shoes. I know it wont happen but itll be a totally different world.

And i know these companys provide us with essentials but thats not what im talking bout, im talking bout something where we dont get judge as a class, etc and to be looked down on.
Double post: the Bible also spoke of people living well past 100 with Methesulah being the oldest at 969.

Does anyone see the problem with this?

They didn't age according to our current calendar and their year was judged by a lunar scale which is much shorter. Also, the infant mortality rate was incredibly high during this time so children would have to make into adulthood without dying of illness, diseases, winters or summers before their ages even counted,

In truth, the Bible is no real fact-based account of history.
all i was tryna say is imagine a world that doesnt worrry about name brands or how much your car costs, etc

Now imagine if all of us teamed up and started to walk to work or wear basic payless shoes. I know it wont happen but itll be a totally different world.

And i know these companys provide us with essentials but thats not what im talking bout, im talking bout something where we dont get judge as a class, etc and to be looked down on.

That does happen. It happens all the time. Look at Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs; both of them wear/wore the same things almost everyday bc both feel/felt that their work is more important than anything they do for themselves and is a waste of time.

You just have to tune all of it out and focus on your life goals.

This virtual world we've built for ourselves is interesting as it is dissatisfiying. If I simply turned off my laptop, radio, and tv, i would never who jay-z or Kim kardashian was. Kinda crazy.
That does happen. It happens all the time. Look at Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs; both of them wear/wore the same things almost everyday bc both feel/felt that their work is more important than anything they do for themselves and is a waste of time.

You just have to tune all of it out and focus on your life goals.

This virtual world we've built for ourselves is interesting as it is dissatisfiying. If I simply turned off my laptop, radio, and tv, i would never who jay-z or Kim kardashian was. Kinda crazy.

Ok...Im seeing your perspective now fam.
My friend decided to apply for my company would it be a snake of me to not recommend him for the job?
If you don't find him qualified for the position he's applying for, then no. 

I really only refer friends to job openings if they are qualified for the position.
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