the thread about nothing...

No religion threads on here are moving.

So if anyone wants to chime in I got a question.

I'm not religious at all. I was talking to a co worker who reads the bible but he's also very into conspiracies and stuff.

Basically, we started talking about Adam and Eve. I was under the assumption that they could not eat from the tree or w.e because the man upstairs said so. Then the snake/devil convinced them to.

Well, he goes on the say that the tree they ate from was the tree of "knowledge?" Essentially, the big man upstairs didn't want man to eat from the tree because he wanted us to stay stuck on stupid.

Now my questions is whether or not that's true or if it's just my co workers interpretation?

What's your guys interpretation?
We were changing out a light fixture on a pole and I missed cutting off one breaker so he got a mild zap while wiring the fixture to the pole while standing up on the ladder. He cursed me out right when someone was stepping out of the house to leave and she heard every word :frown: :smh:

He got down off the ladder and said follow me to the breaker box unit then proceeded to cut the last switch off

Then he sized me up with a death stare and said you could have got me ******* killed you idiot and don't ever pull **** like that again you ******* got it

I'm standing there like [emoji]128563[/emoji][emoji]128528[/emoji][emoji]128542[/emoji]

Trying to settle down and play Xbox but my nerves rattled right now

Thats it?

I woulda caught a charge.
No religion threads on here are moving.

So if anyone wants to chime in I got a question.

I'm not religious at all. I was talking to a co worker who reads the bible but he's also very into conspiracies and stuff.

Basically, we started talking about Adam and Eve. I was under the assumption that they could not eat from the tree or w.e because the man upstairs said so. Then the snake/devil convinced them to.

Well, he goes on the say that the tree they ate from was the tree of "knowledge?" Essentially, the big man upstairs didn't want man to eat from the tree because he wanted us to stay stuck on stupid.

Now my questions is whether or not that's true or if it's just my co workers interpretation?

What's your guys interpretation?

God just wanted them to obey his command....

He gave us the world and everything in it, up to us to do the right thang.

I might be 100% wrong tho.
It was the tree of knowledge of good n evil, if i remember korrectly. I think god didnt want them to eat from it kuz he knew the konsequences that kame with it (war, prejudice, etc.) By them indulging, they realized they were naked n bekame ashamed of it. Its basikally pandoras box in a new package [emoji]128129[/emoji]
Before they ate the manzana they wete nekkid, but didnt know, so when god came lookin for them they were hiding cuz they were nekkid and thats when he knew what happened.
But if they would have never ate from the tree we would all be mindless beings?

Is it fair to say that one can see the roles of the devil and God switched? By this I mean that God is evil and the devil is good?
Speaking mother asked me if I prayed.i never thought we'd talk about religion since we haven't been to church in so long. I didn't lie and I said no. I believe for the most part you are in control of your life. I thought she'd flip out really but she was cool about it.

I don't knock anyone for believing in something if it helps you (positively) in your life. Do what works for you.

And that's all I got for religion.
Devil used to be a angel tho.

I know. From what I've read, correct me if I'm wrong, he didn't want to bow down to man? God said he should? In gods eyes it was him, man, and angles. In that order, but the devil was like nope.
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No religion threads on here are moving.

So if anyone wants to chime in I got a question.

I'm not religious at all. I was talking to a co worker who reads the bible but he's also very into conspiracies and stuff.

Basically, we started talking about Adam and Eve. I was under the assumption that they could not eat from the tree or w.e because the man upstairs said so. Then the snake/devil convinced them to.

Well, he goes on the say that the tree they ate from was the tree of "knowledge?" Essentially, the big man upstairs didn't want man to eat from the tree because he wanted us to stay stuck on stupid.

Now my questions is whether or not that's true or if it's just my co workers interpretation?

What's your guys interpretation?

The Tree of Knowledge is one of two trees in the garden, the other being the Tree of Life.

His interpretation can be true depending on his faith. Christians believe the eating of the fruit was the original sin as they disobeyed god. The fruit wasn't evil but disobeying gods command through Satan (the light bringer, bringer of knowledge) caused disorder in his kingdom.

Jews believe the eating of the fruit was the first mixing of good and evil, before the fruit was consumed good and evil existed as two different entities.

In Islamic faith, "the tree" as it's called was the one thing god forbid Adam and Eve to eat. Satan told them it was because they would become angels if they ate it so they went for it.

A cool way to look at it that makes more sense than the actual bible or other texts: the forbidden fruit is mushrooms.

Amazon product ASIN 0156838001
here's a pretty cool book about it that you can probably find for free online.

Speaking mother asked me if I prayed.i never thought we'd talk about religion since we haven't been to church in so long. I didn't lie and I said no. I believe for the most part you are in control of your life. I thought she'd flip out really but she was cool about it.

I don't knock anyone for believing in something if it helps you (positively) in your life. Do what works for you.

And that's all I got for religion.

pray to the universe man. pray to yourself. affirmations work better than people give them credit for, words are power. I do sun salutations and affirmations to the sun a few days a week. I'm not religious but the universe is connected to our "spirit", I'm sure of it.
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Lol yeah to me it comes down to how someone interpreted the story. Like I said I'm not religious at all and I would say more about this subject and how I really feel about religion, but in respect to those who post in here that are ill just end my rant.
Also consider a lot of what we know is passed down by each persons interpretation of it. Who knows how far the 'truth' has been strecthed.
The sin was knowledge. It's a devious act of power if you ask me. If this creator knows your thoughts and actions all before you do them, then condemns you for what he already knew you would do...before you do it?

God is his own paradox

Theist say it's an allegorical tale but common religious followers say that this really happened. These people are referred to as sheep in the Bible for a reason.
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