the thread about nothing...

My blood test results came in today. Thought I had hypothyroidism but apparently my thyroid function is normal so I don't know why I've been feeling so crappy as of late.

When webmd steers you in the wrong direction

lol nah I actually have had the symptoms (low energy, fatigue, etc.) for a while now but I thought nothing of it. Just chalked it up to me going hard while lifting, not getting enough sleep, or a combination of the two. A couple weeks back my doctor is the one that mentioned hypothyroidism. So he ordered more blood work but he just called today and apparently my levels are within "normal" ranges.
U tried it??

Pompano is good or salmon.

U got 2 use the bagoong tho.

I like it every which way....pork shrimp fish anything
Yeah, I've tried it. Maybe it's just the extra work to remove the fish bones. Sinigang with bagoong? Never tried that before. Is that a regional thing?
Yeah, I've tried it. Maybe it's just the extra work to remove the fish bones. Sinigang with bagoong? Never tried that before. Is that a regional thing?

I dunno....mite b.

I use bagoong with nilaga....sinegang.....kare kare...etc

I love that stuff
Da hell yall boys eatin
Sinegang - A soup made out of tamarind Kare Kare - Filipino stew/curry made out of peanut butter with oxtail and other parts of pork.
Some **** that will make us sick af
It's pretty good actually. Nothing too extreme lol
Da hell yall boys eatin
Same here, have no idea what ya eating lol.

Sounds like Tai food to me but idk.
Yeah it's filipino dishes...But sinigang is sour, kind of like tom yum soup.
Only thing close to Tai I ate was Pho.

But what i ate was basically soup and beef so i'm not gonna consider it a fancy dish :lol:
Ate asian food for the first time in years the other day and got sick, ima just stick to egg rolls from here on out.

I heard some behind the scene restraunt stuff they do to nasty af.

Yall seen that video of ol girl that ordered Chinese ribs and ended up gettin a puppy paw that looked like a rib?

Nawl doggy i cant do that.
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