the thread about nothing...

Just had my last taste of soda until 2017. Gonna finish this year strong and get back on the health kick
gotta break this habit. I was going a week strong but caught a cold and the carbonation makes my chest feel good.
Ox just proved that not all situations require pics.
Most do, but not all.
Rep for effort tho.
I'm flattered, thank you.
Made it with no Red Bull today
this is my next bad habit I gotta break. went from drinking the monster tall boys to slowly getting smaller on the can size. down to the itty bitty diet red bull.
i dont understand the whole "beard" movement.

like i can grow a healthy beard in maybe 3 weeks but i don't.

i shave every day.

i don't get it.
every day b? 

I complain bc I have to shave about every 5-7 days.
bella thorne in playboy!!!

been wanting to fap to her for a while now.
Personally been waiting for this new Kimberly woods.
Can't believe these little '98 babies are 18 already.
Gotta cop another bottle of rogaine in da morning.
"Smart people know that Frankenstein was the doctor .......but wise people know that Frankenstein was the monster"
Got asked to go out with some friends and have a beer
Go play a pick up match of soccer
Take a shower, clean my room, and take a nap
Don't know what to do
Too late for a nap :nerd:

Soccer means you'll have to take another shower.

Beer may lead to yambs.

Just play soccer.
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