the thread about nothing...

Dedication 2 on deck...


Wayne use to be stupid nice. The **** happened? :smh:
im giddy like a school girl for this upcoming yankees/orioles series this weekend. that post season baseball feel, how i missed you :smokin

Baltimore playing amazing ball sucks they still cant fill up there stadium, its beautiful over there to.

im a littler bittersweet this year that i pretty much wont be enjoying a RED OCTOBER since the damn phils slacked this season

Tampa Bay Rays can't sell out even when they went to the world series. :smh:
"I don’t know what it is. I don’t know what it was. But for all my life I haven’t been a man.

At any point in my life I can say “this, this is why I didn’t need to grow up”.

I was protected by my parents.

I was protected by the money I earned.

I was protected by people going easy on me.

And never did I take responsibility. Never did I work hard. Never did I do things because they needed to be done – instead I just did the minimum to get around – and for the rest found excuses.

I have lived like a child, all my life.

And I am in my twenties and still I live like a child.

I complain about the things I lack – instead of working for them.

I complain about the things others don’t do – instead of doing them myself.

I worry about what might come – but I don’t plan anything.

I pity myself in my sadness or worries – instead of acting upon them.

I wonder why I sit alone at home – instead of going out and making friends.

I hate myself for not learning the skills or languages I want to learn – instead of making the effort.

All my life I have lived like a child. All my life I was too scared or worried or lazy or distracted or immature to stand up and say:

This is what I want, and I will make it happen.

This is the person I want to meet and I will meet him.

This is the job I want and I will fight my *** off to get it.

This is the book I need to know and I will sit down and I will not eat or drink until I have finished it.

This is the world I want to conquer and I will not give up until I have conquered it.

Now is the time. Now is the time that I need to stand up and fight.

Why now?

Because else it is too late.

The longer I wait, the longer I keep thinking and speaking and acting like a child, the longer I will stay a child.

The longer I wait, the more unreachable will my goals become.

The longer I wait, the shorter is the time that I can be a man.

The longer I wait, the more of my life will I have wasted.

Today is the day I will become a man.

Today is the day I will think like a man, speak like a man and act like a man.

Today and every day from now:

I will be there for those that need me.

I will stand up for what is right.

I will do what needs to be done.

I will fight for what I want.

I will persevere, even when things get hard.

I will work even when I feel lazy.

I will do sport even when my body aches.

I will learn even when my mind feels numb.

I will meet people even when I’m scared.

I will speak when I need to speak.

I will work when I need to work.

I will be what I want to be.

Today I will be a man."

I love this. Thanks for posting. Who wrote it?

I found it online, but I have no idea who wrote it.
I doubt that. Too bad Yanks going thru injuries or else they would've been 7 games up.

I don't know man....O's play better on the road and are 20-9 in their last 29 games while the Yanks have been slumping playing sub 500 ball in the last 40 games. The season series is pretty even too, with the O's losing a lot of close ones early in the season.

Should be good regardless.
My bestfriend got addicted to pills i cant look at him in his eyes you dont know how that **** feel mentally, i aint tryn to rock no shirt that says in memory.

 im sure alot in here can relate to this **** somewhat.
bought a 32 gig iphone 4s off this girl for 130 bucks 

one on the right
Should have gotten her # while you were at it. Yambs my friend...
i tried lol i saw that shes selling it on a facebook group and messaged her then after i was like if ur gunna cancel on me heres my number.

she never called or texted me 

ya win some ya lose some

and for who ever missed it solarius made a thread and u can donate via paypal if u want
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O's taking 2 out of three.....been a long 16 years.
THIS, sucked growing up being an O's fan, especially in high school and when I first started college. Even people here hate the Orioles. At least when you go to a game, you get a good seat for a reasonable price. I get mine for free :smokin
Yeah, I've been there personally. Did he die?
na man but its gettin to the stage where its pretty bad kid cant even get a full sentence out without stumbling or mumbling anymore and always dippin out. I try to help as much as i can but he dont wanna listen and i deff dont got time for the embarressment of it for when where out 
Damn, they got Sherman Hemsley sitting in a fridge for over a month

Those will disputes are no joke
THIS, sucked growing up being an O's fan, especially in high school and when I first started college. Even people here hate the Orioles. At least when you go to a game, you get a good seat for a reasonable price. I get mine for free :smokin

Yeah you can truly just walk to about any seat you want.

Growing up in this area and playing baseball though Cal was the man. He played for the same team his whole career, won a championship, did his thing day in and day out and you never heard him complaining in the media, arguing for a new contract or getting in trouble with scandals.

Will try and catch the Yanks or TB at the Stadium.
what kinda pills?
you name it man from oxys, zanies, percs and crushing up a 30 and snorting it is not cool fambs.
That pill stuff ruins people's lives. Usually end up either dead or in jail. Not worth ever getting into.
You aint lyin, I'm one of the fortunate ones- had some really close calls, happy to have that in th past.

na man but its gettin to the stage where its pretty bad kid cant even get a full sentence out without stumbling or mumbling anymore and always dippin out. I try to help as much as i can but he dont wanna listen and i deff dont got time for the embarressment of it for when where out
You gotta just be brutally honest with this dude, for the most part- you dont realize how bad you are in denial and how far from reality you've gotten
Nowitzness41 glad to hear your clean fam, was it hard to overcome the withdrawl ? im not a pill person but ive seen way to many people throw there life away with this ****
Nowitzness - What do they put you on when you were on Detox? If you dont mind me asking of course
what kinda pills?

you name it man from oxys, zanies, percs and crushing up a 30 and snorting it is not cool fambs.

damn. i used to pop xanax real tough used to put em in drinks to sip after popping 2 straight up but chilled out. sounds corny but get a small group and hit him with an intervention. ive seen people go down that road with coke and x....sad ish to see. didn't do much 'cause i didn't really associate with them
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Anyone know how I can get my ATT Iphone 4s unlocked to a sprint account?:nerd:

Pretty sure that is not possible. ATT and T-Mobile use GSM network and Sprint and Verizon use CDMA network. That is how it used to be at least for the CDMA non-SIM card phones, the iphone might be a whole nother ball game though.
Anyone know how I can get my ATT Iphone 4s unlocked to a sprint account?:nerd:

Pretty sure that is not possible. ATT and T-Mobile use GSM network and Sprint and Verizon use CDMA network. That is how it used to be at least for the CDMA non-SIM card phones, the iphone might be a whole nother ball game though.

he's right

"You can also use the phone on other GSM carriers in the United States, such as T-Mobile, although data speeds will be slower, and you can’t use an unlocked AT&T iPhone on Verizon Wireless or Sprint.

Read more:"

Gas prices are going to be crazy this weekend
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Speaking of iPhone, I can't wait much longer for this new iPhone to drop.

I'm seriously so tired of my phone.

Which provider do you all suggest? ATT, Verizon, or Sprint? I'm with Virgin Mobile now (I have no desire to pay full price for the phone...none.)
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Nowitzness - What do they put you on when you were on Detox? If you dont mind me asking of course
They started with 2mgs of Klonopin (for the Xanax w/d's), and 2 mgs of Klonodin (for pain killer w/d's)- twice a day, then once a day, and slowly tapered me off. Then i had to take a blood thinner for a couple months, and a anti-depressant for about 6 months, plus sleeping meds. It was a rough road- 3 months of straight tough times. I dont take any meds now, havent since 2010- never wanna go back there
 Damn, pretty tough process to go through..Glad to hear you're off of it though, alot of people I work with although clean from street drugs still have to take medication daily throughout their lives.
Nowitzness - What do they put you on when you were on Detox? If you dont mind me asking of course

They started with 2mgs of Klonopin (for the Xanax w/d's), and 2 mgs of Klonodin (for pain killer w/d's)- twice a day, then once a day, and slowly tapered me off. Then i had to take a blood thinner for a couple months, and a anti-depressant for about 6 months, plus sleeping meds. It was a rough road- 3 months of straight tough times. I dont take any meds now, havent since 2010- never wanna go back there

you sir deserve a
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