the thread about nothing...


Codeine,Promethazine,Dizapam,Ibuprofen, Antiboictics,Paracetamol

And splif n rum
Please,be safe.

You hardcore yo.
The three topics that will lead to a never ending conversation:
Politics, Race, and Religion.
Im just watching from the sideline and minding my business
Damb fambs, I'm in a tough dilemma...

Been in a relationship for a year and half with my current gf. Can def see myself marrying her one day because of how much she loves and cares for me, like she's wifey material. But I'm contemplating having an affair with another girl who just moved to my area who wants the d badly. She doesnt know I have gf, and it's my fault for not saying it in the first place so I kinda led her on. I don't know how to say no, like I want to friendzone her without hurting her feelings even tho she is very smashable.

Another option I can do is to just smash anyway. I've heard that cheating may improve the relationship sometimes, despite how dumb that sounds. But if I do cheat I'm afraid I will feel guilty for the rest of my life with my gf. I mean I'm not an emotional person and will look at smashing the other girl as just sex for fun and whatever. But I hope it won't take a toll on my current relationship :frown:

Ps i have never cheated
Damb fambs, I'm in a tough dilemma...

Been in a relationship for a year and half with my current gf. Can def see myself marrying her one day because of how much she loves and cares for me, like she's wifey material. But I'm contemplating having an affair with another girl who just moved to my area who wants the d badly. She doesnt know I have gf, and it's my fault for not saying it in the first place so I kinda led her on. I don't know how to say no, like I want to friendzone her without hurting her feelings even tho she is very smashable.

Another option I can do is to just smash anyway. I've heard that cheating may improve the relationship sometimes, despite how dumb that sounds. But if I do cheat I'm afraid I will feel guilty for the rest of my life with my gf. I mean I'm not an emotional person and will look at smashing the other girl as just sex for fun and whatever. But I hope it won't take a toll on my current relationship :frown:

Ps i have never cheated

you know the rules.

pics of both chicks :nerd:
Who would win in a fight T1000 or Silver Surfer?

Yeezy, Yeezy, what's good?
It's your boy Max B, what's going on?
Just checking in on you
Appreciate the love and support
The wave is here
You a wavey dude anyway, so you already know
Ain't no problem, man, the game...
You already know how this game thing goes
Do your wave *****
You got the official wave man
Just, just doing you...
Doing you, doing your wave
And keep it loopy, I know you're going to keep it loopy man
Shoutout, just shout you out
Hollering at you man, it's all love
I appreciate the... the energy
And we here, hit the town, we do something big
We gonna make a big tsunami up in the joint
You already know what it is, ahh

Silver Surfer
Silver Surfer in the flesh

Silver surfer in the flesh
Max Bigavelli shout to Yeezy
What's good, I see you
It's love, appreciate it
It's honor, appreciate it
Ugh, wavey, baby, Yeah

The surfer. Easy.
Damb fambs, I'm in a tough dilemma...

Been in a relationship for a year and half with my current gf. Can def see myself marrying her one day because of how much she loves and cares for me, like she's wifey material. But I'm contemplating having an affair with another girl who just moved to my area who wants the d badly. She doesnt know I have gf, and it's my fault for not saying it in the first place so I kinda led her on. I don't know how to say no, like I want to friendzone her without hurting her feelings even tho she is very smashable.

Another option I can do is to just smash anyway. I've heard that cheating may improve the relationship sometimes, despite how dumb that sounds. But if I do cheat I'm afraid I will feel guilty for the rest of my life with my gf. I mean I'm not an emotional person and will look at smashing the other girl as just sex for fun and whatever. But I hope it won't take a toll on my current relationship :frown:

Ps i have never cheated

it comes down to one question
If your current main finds out...what are the repercussions and are you ok with them.

Will she leave you? Is that ok with you
Will she get really made but most likely stay with you? Are you ok with the guilt after that (guilt is subjective some people dont' feel guilty so this is an acceptable situation)
If you really want to do it, you will find a way to justify it
Theres really no right or wrong
Damb fambs, I'm in a tough dilemma...

Been in a relationship for a year and half with my current gf. Can def see myself marrying her one day because of how much she loves and cares for me, like she's wifey material. But I'm contemplating having an affair with another girl who just moved to my area who wants the d badly. She doesnt know I have gf, and it's my fault for not saying it in the first place so I kinda led her on. I don't know how to say no, like I want to friendzone her without hurting her feelings even tho she is very smashable.

Another option I can do is to just smash anyway. I've heard that cheating may improve the relationship sometimes, despite how dumb that sounds. But if I do cheat I'm afraid I will feel guilty for the rest of my life with my gf. I mean I'm not an emotional person and will look at smashing the other girl as just sex for fun and whatever. But I hope it won't take a toll on my current relationship :frown:

Ps i have never cheated
The guilt will eat you alive. I've been on your very exact situation (didn't smash, only texted the girl a few things and we talked for like three days) but at first I didn't feel guilty, promised myself to never ever repeat what happened. But the more I dwelled on it, the more I made this false image of myself in my ex's eyes. She thought I was perfect, that she had a man she could be proud of, when in reality I was just like the others who had cheated on her before. I felt horrible because I was a liar to the girl I loved and was going to marry so I had to come clean. She took me back but the damage was done and there wasn't any recovering from it. I finally have her what she wanted (to end it). It sucked but I found someone now that truly cares and I can see it within them that they know the real me. Definitely a huge life lesson who made me the man I am today. Don't do it bro, this is from experience, it's not worth it at all. Yambs is yambs, but your girl is one of a kind.
Damb fambs, I'm in a tough dilemma...

Been in a relationship for a year and half with my current gf. Can def see myself marrying her one day because of how much she loves and cares for me, like she's wifey material. But I'm contemplating having an affair with another girl who just moved to my area who wants the d badly. She doesnt know I have gf, and it's my fault for not saying it in the first place so I kinda led her on. I don't know how to say no, like I want to friendzone her without hurting her feelings even tho she is very smashable.

Another option I can do is to just smash anyway. I've heard that cheating may improve the relationship sometimes, despite how dumb that sounds. But if I do cheat I'm afraid I will feel guilty for the rest of my life with my gf. I mean I'm not an emotional person and will look at smashing the other girl as just sex for fun and whatever. But I hope it won't take a toll on my current relationship :frown:

Ps i have never cheated

If you really do see yourself marrying this girl don't do it for sure

She probably is going to find out if you do cheat

They usually do
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