the thread about nothing...

:lol: I have the worst luck sometimes...

So last night I worked my 2nd job 7pm-11:30pm... I went to sleep a few hours and came back to my first job for a 4am - noon shift....

i just started this job in November mind you... i have a lot of independence and rarely see my boss....

Anyway... as a result of 4 hours between jobs I just kind threw some clothes on this morning and as a result of working the past week straight + the holiday weekend I don't have a haircut....

so this morning has been mad busy... I worked 6 1/2 hours straight so in the last hour I just stepped away to take a break....

I got some coffee went to the breakroom and relaxed and closed my eyes for a few minutes...

sooooo I get back up and rub my eyes (my eyes get irritated when I'm tired like anyone else I imagine...) but I rubbed my eyes a bit much. I'm thinkin whatever. One hour left just get through this day so I can get a nap...

I come back to work and who's waiting for me but my boss that I never see. Dead *** I started this job in November and I've seen her twice since then eveyrthing else has been email.

She's waiting for me and I imagine at this point I've been gone about 15-20 minutes. Idk how long she's been there.

We have casual conversation until she abruptly says "your eyes are really red.... are you okay?"

I told her that I worked last night and had to be in at 4am and I was just tired and she's like ohhhh okay but still lookin at me like


end of story... 45 minutes left. Definitely ready to get this day over with. Worst timing to seeher I look like **** today
I have the worst luck sometimes...

So last night I worked my 2nd job 7pm-11:30pm... I went to sleep a few hours and came back to my first job for a 4am - noon shift....

i just started this job in November mind you... i have a lot of independence and rarely see my boss....

Anyway... as a result of 4 hours between jobs I just kind threw some clothes on this morning and as a result of working the past week straight + the holiday weekend I don't have a haircut....

so this morning has been mad busy... I worked 6 1/2 hours straight so in the last hour I just stepped away to take a break....

I got some coffee went to the breakroom and relaxed and closed my eyes for a few minutes...

sooooo I get back up and rub my eyes (my eyes get irritated when I'm tired like anyone else I imagine...) but I rubbed my eyes a bit much. I'm thinkin whatever. One hour left just get through this day so I can get a nap...

I come back to work and who's waiting for me but my boss that I never see. Dead *** I started this job in November and I've seen her twice since then eveyrthing else has been email.

She's waiting for me and I imagine at this point I've been gone about 15-20 minutes. Idk how long she's been there.

We have casual conversation until she abruptly says "your eyes are really red.... are you okay?"

I told her that I worked last night and had to be in at 4am and I was just tired and she's like ohhhh okay but still lookin at me like

end of story... 45 minutes left. Definitely ready to get this day over with. Worst timing to seeher I look like **** today
It’s Tuesday, tuesday
Gotta get back to work on tuesday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend
Tuesday, Tuesday
Gettin’ downtown to work on tuesday
But everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend
But you still got Wednesday, Thursday, and then Friday, Friday,
But remember today's only Tuesday, Tuesday,
Hope you have fun at work on Tuesday.


you gonna let that slide?
One week from today I'll be starting the new job, feels good knowing I'll be getting paid hourly again :lol:
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