the thread about nothing...

It's true you don't appreciate someone till their gone from family has it bad right now..but no obstacle is too hard to overcome..

Real talk NT I need to treat my parents better..they love my dumb retarted @ss n throughout all the stupid ish ive done n still doing...but its like no one can piss me off the most except my parents n it could b over the smallest thing..but ive learned I'm a messed up person real life..
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why did lil wayne **** around and get smoked by lil mouse?

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I blame the owner 90% of the time...

I mean "you better leave he's coming out here"


"I don't wanna get arrested!"

dog went ape **** cuz you couldn't control it |I
contact lens' ice in tha veins sounds like the screwed version of a long lost suave house compilation beat cd

i have done my good deed for the day

Just flashed MIUI v4 Jelly Bean 4.1 on my AT&T One X.

Feels good to be back on MIUI, now I can test my newest icon set on it.
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Do not wanna be at work right now :smh: feel like I'm gettin sick + muggy weather
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