the thread about nothing...

Credit card churning huh? Never heard of it but just did a quick google. Sounds interesting.

A lot of mans from my hood dont have credit cards so theyd always come to me when they wanna order something online. Id make the order and take the cash from em (plus a lil something for myself cuz hey nothings free in life right?). Theyd get their item and id boost my credit.

Word me too. I have different sources of income. I always believed you gotta have multiple sourcea of income to live comfortably.

Yeah man check out the churning subreddit it's nuts I can't post the link cuz I have the Reddit app but here's a screenshot

My goal is to buy a house within thr nxt 5 years.

Just started building up my credit, checked it the other day and its at 713. Just leased a whip so building it on that and paying my cc on time so hopefully thatll be enough by the time im ready.

Adulting sucks
Yeah man check out the churning subreddit it's nuts I can't post the link cuz I have the Reddit app but here's a screenshot


Good looks ima peep that

My goal is to buy a house within thr nxt 5 years.

Just started building up my credit, checked it the other day and its at 713. Just leased a whip so building it on that and paying my cc on time so hopefully thatll be enough by the time im ready.

Adulting sucks

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