the thread about nothing...

Oh my God, hahahahahaha

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I can't eat enough in one sitting to justify going to a buffet but they definitely all aren't trash.
I want to try one of those expensive buffets in Vegas. I don't really gamble or drink so why not.

The thing about buffets though is.... where do you think all the people's germs are going? Straight into the glass? Hell nah. That **** is like buckshot. Best believe it's spraying all over the food. One person's presence in a room introduces 37 million bacteria. If your toothbrush is out in the open there will be traces of fecal matter on it from particles suspended in air after flushing the toilet. So a sheet of glass isn't going to do **** to protect the food from hundreds of people coming and going.
Just saw the Neymar Sneaker Shipping , I wasn't expecting him to be so easy going and down to earth, he may be a **** on the field but hey now that I think it more deeply all of us are as well, in the heat of the game every one transforms ... Cool dude
For some reason i remember this 1 episode when they were smuggling beer or something like that and Fez was in the trunk with the beer under a blanket cuz i think he didnt have a passport or some ****. The cop opened the trunk and found him and the beer and hes like "hey! You found win a beer!"

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