the thread about nothing...

I have spotify so i create playlists for the gym that vary greatly.
But im at the gym a lot and listen to music at work a lot. So its legit work to create new playlists. I used to have sirius radio but stopped becaues of the price. I know it doesnt' seem like much but they wanted like $250 a year and its hard for me to pay for more then one music service.

But i just like complaining. Hope everyone has a good day today.
I wear an ankle brace on my right ankle.

Lightly sprained my left tonight. Considering wearing an ankle brace on my left ankle as well from now on.


INB4 you got cross bro? *lame giggles*

If it’s a light sprain don’t wear anything on it ur good

Take it from somehow who has had tons of ankle sprains
This time last year I was playing basketball at least 4 times a week

At 31 I decided to stop and just go to the gym

I probably would sprain one of my ankles 4-5 times a year

I do miss balling but I don’t miss being injured all the time
woke up 4:30 am to piss

glanced at my phone..wide awake

fall asleep 5:40

alarm 6:05...I didn't hit snooze si made a new alarm 6:20

wake up 6:35...alarm I set was 6:20 pm
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