the thread about nothing...

I never give the homeless anything, regardless how "official" it looks.
I occasionally try to give them food. I never give a homeless person money because at the end of the day I don't know where that's going and I could be contributing to a drug habit for all I know.
When you try to give them some food, they'll either accept and eat it or deny it. The latter has happened before in the big city but 99% of the time they're very appreciative. There's really only one or two homeless folks in a pretty wide radius around my area so if I'm doing some groceries in the nearby city and one of them is sitting by the grocery store I'll buy them a sandwich or something. From what I can tell they both appear to be refugees. One of them has maybe 2 teeth left and appears to speak some kind of Arabic language, the other speaks broken Dutch but looks middle-eastern as well.
Not even food?

Based on my experience they all wanted money. I didnt eat this snickers bar for breakfast that day and this dude complimented my jeep as he has the sign, walkin.

"Pls help"

Unfortunately we made eye contact, which kinda made me feel bad and forced me to stop homie and offer the bar and he tells me "you got a 5$ instead?"

The past couple of times someone asked me for money..they always say..I need a bus ticket to _________

yeah sure u do
had too many bad experiences trying to help out the homeless.
I usually have a bunch of random stuff in my car. Have offered homeless people umbrellas, jackets, sweatshirts and been turned down. I always think like what am i going to spend $5 on...really...i can not get the cup of coffee and this person could eat with that $5....but really coffee for me is prob = drugs for nah il keep it
I never keep cash.
So I'm digging for change every time I see a panhandler, beggar or homeless person.
I never judge or give it second thought, I just give up the monies.
We all saying we dont carry cash...

But if you think about it, youd save alot of money if you were to carry it. Atleast thats how it is for me lol. When i see the money i hesitate spending as opposed to using the cc/debitcard and swiping
Handed over all my firearms for destruction to the local police headquarters today. There wasn't any parking space left infront of the police station so I had to park further away and walk down the street carrying a bunch of shotguns and a giant bag with hundreds of rounds of ammunition. :lol: Whole street was looking at me sideways.

I would never do that in America

Would probably get me killed lol
We all saying we dont carry cash...

But if you think about it, youd save alot of money if you were to carry it. Atleast thats how it is for me lol. When i see the money i hesitate spending as opposed to using the cc/debitcard and swiping
Good point..but u earn no rewards/cashback/points spending dough..but as far as discipline goes..this is a good practice
Would be kinda dope if we ever get cc with digital displays and a meter on the card

So if you going too wild with your card you'll know asap

And it'll adjust in real time when auto bills are paid, for example

Cuz sometimes things add up and you don't even realize it.
I was in the inner harbor a few months ago (bmore). Dude was there pushing his mixtape. He stopped me and was like its only $5....i hit him with the sorry man i don't carry any cash.

Dude busted out a square reader and his iphone "i accept cards"

I couldn't stop laughing. I was like damb that is the hustle....i then proceeded to tell him i just did not want a copy of his mixtape.
Always give them food. Gotta break bread.

Drop off clothes for em too. If they complain they can go suck their dukes
I was in the inner harbor a few months ago (bmore). Dude was there pushing his mixtape. He stopped me and was like its only $5....i hit him with the sorry man i don't carry any cash.

Dude busted out a square reader and his iphone "i accept cards"

I couldn't stop laughing. I was like damb that is the hustle....i then proceeded to tell him i just did not want a copy of his mixtape.
the audacity
We all saying we dont carry cash...

But if you think about it, youd save alot of money if you were to carry it. Atleast thats how it is for me lol. When i see the money i hesitate spending as opposed to using the cc/debitcard and swiping

I'm the opposite. I'm always looking at my account balance so any cash I have on me I count as disposable since (1) I never carry cash so I want to get rid of it. (2) Not going out my way to put it back in my account. (3) Don't see the charge going on my credit card so it doesn't bother me.

I hate racking up debt on a card.

I have spotify so i create playlists for the gym that vary greatly.
But im at the gym a lot and listen to music at work a lot. So its legit work to create new playlists. I used to have sirius radio but stopped becaues of the price. I know it doesnt' seem like much but they wanted like $250 a year and its hard for me to pay for more then one music service.

But i just like complaining. Hope everyone has a good day today.

Why not just add a ton of albums from your favorite artists to a playlist then hit shuffle?
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