the thread about nothing...

I keep waiting to try this but for the past month I've been too lazy to commute to the city and I don't think they serve this in the suburbs


I think the suburbs is the worst place to live at if you are a fan of trying different kinds of food

You should look up this YouTube channel called Binging With Babish. He made Beef Wellington a video or two ago.

Bought some Pepperidge Farms Soft Baked Montauk cookies and am super disappointed in them.
What's yall opinion of Biscuitville? Randomly thought about it just now. From what I remember it was decent but it's been years
I'mma sound stupid right now but I've never heard of that place. Had to look it up. Looks really good though, would love to try it. You've just introduced me to a new place, my friend.

*Adds Biscuitville to places to try*.
I'mma sound stupid right now but I've never heard of that place. Had to look it up. Looks really good though, would love to try it. You've just introduced me to a new place, my friend.

*Adds Biscuitville to places to try*.

I just Googled them, never realized they were only in VA and NC. Their biscuits were always fresh but they close at like 11am or something. Used to wait til 4 or 5 or whenever it was they opened for a chicken biscuit :lol:

Man I'm really craving southern food now lol. Haven't had sweet tea in years
Man I just had really bad road rage, about twenty minutes ago.

I was so mad that the blood was pounding in my head and my back was tight and throbbing (that happens when I get really angry)

I was chillin in the right lane in moderately heavy traffic, not in a hurry to get in the left lane cuz it was like all the lanes are going the same speed.

Then dude in the middle lane cuts into my lane without any warning. He was pretty much next to me before he made the lane change. I slam on the breaks. Dude's middle to back end was soooo close to me that I thought he might've hit me when I slammed the breaks.

It all happened so quickly. I didn't even lay on the horn until after the fact, I was is in shock. All I could think of was to slam the breaks and turn to the right a little bit (but not so much that I hit the wall)

I speed up to catch up to him and lay on the horn like I never have before. Idk what was going through dude's head but he actually speeds up, changes lanes and before I know it I'm chasing him through moderate traffic. He's actually going 80 ish and more..I couldn't believe it, so I speed up to catch up too, and we're swerving in and out if traffic. Then the traffic clears and there's no more cars ahead, but I'm still trying to get next to him so I can yell 'you know you almost hit me right'

I'm on the left at this point and he's in the middle. He looks at me like this dude crazy and shifts to the right.

I had this fleeting thought to keep sticking with him and shift to the middle but then I was like, F this dude and I speed away

I'm normally not the type to go in and out of traffic. Now I know why ppl tend to do stupid things during road rage.

I'm glad no one got hurt.

I always be forgetting that second part. Obviously you can't walk around in life not giving a care AT ALL about what other people think of you. That's some psychopathic type stuff. But ultimately you have to learn that being YOU is going to get you loved and hated by different people. Accept it, ignore the haters, and keep it pushing.
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