the thread about nothing...

There's this girl I used to be real tight with..we eventually both caught feelings..things happened..I admit I got the big head start talking reckless like she was a jumpoff far from it although she did do some scandalous stuff ..but she dropped me a while back and I randomly catch my self wishing we were still cool..sometimes more than friends o well..had to vent that to NT if I told my boys I would get scolded lol
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by NewYawkRemote

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

I remember reading somewhere that they thought Cobb just dreamed the whole thing..and he shares this outrageous dream about stealing and implanting ideas in people's minds while on a normal flight back home to see his kids...and he just happened to include all the people he shared a first class flight with in it...always thought that was interesting perspective

Nolan is a wizard, I still get mind %%@+%% by Memento
That's dope as well. 
I admire the way that it was left open ended in the sense that the speculation was on whether or not Cobb was still dreaming rather than if anything was actually solved in the movie to progress his life/situation.
I actually watched Shutter Island a day before I went to see Inception and my mind was all the way blown.

I have yet to see Memento. 
Yeah, I love the ending for those same reasons. I personally thought he was dreaming, I also think he didnt care at that point..he wanted to see his kids and he got that, real or not

"They come here every day to sleep?""No. They come to be woken up. The dream has become their reality. Who are you to say otherwise, son?"
That quote pretty much summed up the ending for me

Do yourself a HUGE favor and watch Memento. You will not be disappointed
dunno if its been discussed in previous pages but the if the Ring theory stands he is not in a dream when he passes customs, since you can physically see both hands and no ring, and in fact sees his children in real life.

Ring Theory: when Cobb is in a dream he has wedding ring on standard spot, left hand ring finger, cuz his love of Mal continues
^ atleast you're not lying about it.

NT fam, I went mad hard at the gym yesterday, I went to the bathroom tonight and when I squatted down to sit on the toilet my legs just gave out and I slammed my +*! onto the toilet seat and my back hit the little towel racks causing it to break. Kinda proud of my hardwork, no pain no gain.
I wish my life could just have a Rocky montage and i could be where i need to be.

I like working out and i am active almost every day.  But i want to play semi-pro soccer but the dedication to cardio and plyometrics is the only thing really holding me back. 
I hate the lazy mofos that take the elevator to the second floor. Like really? You really couldn't walk your lazy *%* one floor up?

End rant.
Originally Posted by rice boy 45

am I an alcoholic if I'm drinking some brews by myself at home while watching the lake show?

please respond
not even close fren.  dont sweat it yet.

ive been trying to cutback my alcohol intake because i felt that it was getting to somewhat unacceptable levels.  i drink at home by myself all the time.  i was averaging about 5 nights of week of boozing.  during the weekdays id get home from the gym or office and pour myself a 5 finger pour of scotch or irish whiskey on the rocks.  some days id have a 2nd 3 finger pour.  on weekends if im out with the boys or hell... even out with the wife i'd up my intake significantly.

i decided to take a little break from drinking just to prove that i can.  started april 1.  i had to fight myself not to have a beer while watching the NCAA Finals.  its been a rough going so far.

i really dislike most iphone users. if you think a phone makes you better than everyone else you must have a sad life.

this instagram thing reinforced that
Originally Posted by cap1229

The weather is sooo nice out in the DMV. Just took a beautiful walk.

Bout to do the same at lunchtime. Nothin like a downtown walk to ease the mind.
Originally Posted by Thizz Marley

i really dislike most iphone users. if you think a phone makes you better than everyone else you must have a sad life.

this instagram thing reinforced that
Originally Posted by Thizz Marley

i really dislike most iphone users. if you think a phone makes you better than everyone else you must have a sad life.

this instagram thing reinforced that

i always hear things like this but ive never met someone who was a douche just because of their phone
Originally Posted by cs02132

Originally Posted by Thizz Marley

i really dislike most iphone users. if you think a phone makes you better than everyone else you must have a sad life.

this instagram thing reinforced that

i always hear things like this but ive never met someone who was a douche just because of their phone
i envy you. mostly on twitter but ive met a few people in person like this. they got the stoneface. and im not an apple hater at all. i appreciate all technology 

stupid question (maybe)

how do you make wings like that?

i havent really experimented much with chicken wings, mostly because my little electric deep fryer is a pain in the penis to clean, but i think i want to start using it more.

do you fry your wings naked? any batter or flour dusting? any seasoning on the wings before they get fried?

what type of oil do you fry in? what temp? how many batches can you fry before you have to change out the oil?

i did a little test run the other day using canola oil at 375*. I did a light dusting of seasoned flour (salt, pepper, garlic powder) before dropping them in. they came out kinda so so, and the outside texture was not quite the way i like it.

tips would be greatly appreciated.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1


stupid question (maybe)

how do you make wings like that?

i havent really experimented much with chicken wings, mostly because my little electric deep fryer is a pain in the penis to clean, but i think i want to start using it more.

do you fry your wings naked? any batter or flour dusting? any seasoning on the wings before they get fried?

what type of oil do you fry in? what temp? how many batches can you fry before you have to change out the oil?

i did a little test run the other day using canola oil at 375*. I did a light dusting of seasoned flour (salt, pepper, garlic powder) before dropping them in. they came out kinda so so, and the outside texture was not quite the way i like it.

tips would be greatly appreciated.

we season the wings with salt & pep.. sometimes with garlic powder or cayenne.. then either bake, deep fry, or bbq (bbqing being the easiest)..
the flavour experimenting is where the fun comes in.. my friends and i have made the basics (garlic parm, mango habanero, spicy honey bbq, etc) to the more extreme flavours (whey protein, orange tang, puree jalapenos)

its simple, really.. just take whatevers in your kitchen pantry and mix them up with the cooked wings in a large bowl.. 
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