the thread about nothing...

When I was in college, I used to do weird stuff. Like I would have an 8 am class, then be free until like 6pm. I'd take a few nyquio sleep pills, and let them bad boys kick in while in my morning class. Just to see how sleepy. I could get without actually falling asleep. I'd be leaning in my chair :lol:
Never took drugs as I was in school but people thought I did because I did not give a f### about anything and I was weird, it made some pot smokers appreciate me lol

Edit : I remember a day I really seem to have taken something because I had to move to not sleep as I didn't the night before ^^

And some treatment made me sleepy anyway...
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Morning TAN...

Without a vivid picture of what you want, how can you reach it?

Speak it into existence but you MUST have a plan!

Write it down, look at it everyday, add to it, adjust it as you go, but have a plan to follow..

And put it into action!

Time to get it, TAN!
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My iPhone 6 is so damn slow. I’m going back to pre iOS 11 updates. **** this

It’s the battery fam.

Apple has admitted that the phones slow down once the battery gets to a certain point. There’s even a lawsuit behind it.

Replace the battery = works like new.
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