the thread about nothing...

Thats some expensive rice.

I remember leaving my crib one time in Queens nyc , like almost 1 block from my criv. Some dude pulled up to me in his car trying selling me a fancy looking watch. Kinda look like a Rolex but it was even fancier than one. I hear him out , he tells me ha has a flight he trying to get rid of the watch but really needs to sell the watch cause he doesn't wanna pay a customs fee. I'm like Ehh seems like a legit story. I didn't even really hold the watch but Glanced at at it for few minutes than I saw his car key ignition with rental fob keys, I'm like nah this guy is a street scammer and i kept it moving.

Good thing my dad put me onto watches and I know what took kook for on high end timekeepers.
yeah fluid hips fluid hips , was generous, but use common sense with generosity. You should have called dude out on his BS. I would ask him why is he leaving his car running while needing gas? He offered so many ways to pay him, yet he wasn't smart enough to offer so many of those means to feed his family? It wasn't adding up. Stay a good person, but use your brain and discretion next time. Lesson learned.
Classic scammer line “if you give me money, I promise Ill wire it back to you tomorrow”

Some dude said this to me a few years ago when I was waiting to pick up my girl. Even asked me for a ride to mcdonalds :lol:
fluid hips fluid hips Stop having a big heart bro.. **** will get you no where in life. Remember that..
I try to do on to others like I would like done to me. Ish like this makes people cynical but I always believe in being the change you want to see. You always hear about arabs being abused and called terrorists in the news because of their religion and the way they dress. A part of me wanted to show them that we're all not like that. Hence why I let my guard down
Dude in the apartment above just had a stomping session back and forth. Annoying AF.

I think the guy isn't balanced. He seems sketch when he's walking around the complex.
:wow::wow:I swear some of these people could pass for white if not for the arabic language/accent. Perhaps i'm ignorant but I thought arabs were typically more brown looking than that.

Got scammed by a gypsy family in New Jersey on Friday night. Pisses me off when people use their kids for sympathy

I was about to walk into a walmart when the gypsy with his wife and 4 kids in a chevy suburban called me over. Said his car was on E with no gas and he needed to get to florida and was stranded. I looked and the needle was on E. Should have listened to my instinct. My mind was telling me if he was about to run out of gas, why is he leaving the car to idle instead of shutting it down to conserve on gas. He gave me his BS backstory about how he was from Dubai and his wife's foreign credit card wasn't working. Normally I would ignore ish like this but then the kids started begging me and talking about how they hadn't eaten and were hungry. Guy started offering me his gold ring and rolex talking about how he's rich. I knew they were fake cuz they had no weight to them and felt cheap. Another red flag my mind picked up was why didn't he pawn it to get money. Then I gave him the benefit of the doubt and figured there were no pawn shops open at 8 on a friday night.
I told him to follow me and I got his car filled with gas using my credit card. This mofo then asked me for cash to buy food for his kids and more gas. There was a fast food place and a subway at the gas station. I offered to buy him his wife and kids food instead of giving him cash. Then he started speaking in broken english. I then gave him another benefit of the doubt and thought because they were muslim they had dietary restrictions and could only eat food that was halal. Then the kids and wife started begging again about how they were hungry. He then gave me his phone number by calling me and said he would call me the next day and wire me money if I gave him money. He then started offering me his fake jewelry as collateral. I had a feeling it was fake so I refused then he offered me an unopened iphone 6 as collateral. He started begging and I told him I was still suspicious. He got out of the car and started kissing my hand. I told him to swear on Allah and his kids. He did. The kids wouldn't stop begging so I offered him $200 just in case if he was lying I could break even with the iphone. Then this mofo had the nerve to demand $300. Right then my mind was telling me why is a beggar who needs help not be content with the help I was giving him and ask for more. Should have known right then and there it was a scam but those kids begging made me feel bad. Those kids made me feel sympathetic so I gave him $300 cash. Only reason why I even had that much money on me was because earlier that day I had gone to the bank to get the rent money for my landlord.

Mofo called me back 10 minutes later after he had left the gas station talking about how he had gotten his kids food and would call me on saturday to wire me the money I gave him and I could ship the iphone back to him. Of course saturday came and he never called I shot him a text about how he should be ashamed of using his kids to con people and how karma is real and he would get his.
Good karma on ur way
I try to do on to others like I would like done to me. Ish like this makes people cynical but I always believe in being the change you want to see. You always hear about arabs being abused and called terrorists in the news because of their religion and the way they dress. A part of me wanted to show them that we're all not like that. Hence why I let my guard down

I Understand but F all that.
Got scammed by a gypsy family in New Jersey on Friday night. Pisses me off when people use their kids for sympathy

I was about to walk into a walmart when the gypsy with his wife and 4 kids in a chevy suburban called me over. Said his car was on E with no gas and he needed to get to florida and was stranded. I looked and the needle was on E. Should have listened to my instinct. My mind was telling me if he was about to run out of gas, why is he leaving the car to idle instead of shutting it down to conserve on gas. He gave me his BS backstory about how he was from Dubai and his wife's foreign credit card wasn't working. Normally I would ignore ish like this but then the kids started begging me and talking about how they hadn't eaten and were hungry. Guy started offering me his gold ring and rolex talking about how he's rich. I knew they were fake cuz they had no weight to them and felt cheap. Another red flag my mind picked up was why didn't he pawn it to get money. Then I gave him the benefit of the doubt and figured there were no pawn shops open at 8 on a friday night.
I told him to follow me and I got his car filled with gas using my credit card. This mofo then asked me for cash to buy food for his kids and more gas. There was a fast food place and a subway at the gas station. I offered to buy him his wife and kids food instead of giving him cash. Then he started speaking in broken english. I then gave him another benefit of the doubt and thought because they were muslim they had dietary restrictions and could only eat food that was halal. Then the kids and wife started begging again about how they were hungry. He then gave me his phone number by calling me and said he would call me the next day and wire me money if I gave him money. He then started offering me his fake jewelry as collateral. I had a feeling it was fake so I refused then he offered me an unopened iphone 6 as collateral. He started begging and I told him I was still suspicious. He got out of the car and started kissing my hand. I told him to swear on Allah and his kids. He did. The kids wouldn't stop begging so I offered him $200 just in case if he was lying I could break even with the iphone. Then this mofo had the nerve to demand $300. Right then my mind was telling me why is a beggar who needs help not be content with the help I was giving him and ask for more. Should have known right then and there it was a scam but those kids begging made me feel bad. Those kids made me feel sympathetic so I gave him $300 cash. Only reason why I even had that much money on me was because earlier that day I had gone to the bank to get the rent money for my landlord.

Mofo called me back 10 minutes later after he had left the gas station talking about how he had gotten his kids food and would call me on saturday to wire me the money I gave him and I could ship the iphone back to him. Of course saturday came and he never called I shot him a text about how he should be ashamed of using his kids to con people and how karma is real and he would get his.

How you felt after your good deed:

How you felt once you realized you got got:
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