the thread about nothing...

If I could start my life over I'd do it at the drop of a dime, especially middle school and 12th grade :smh:

Now of course I could turn out worse, but **** it I'd try at least. Have so many regrets
If I could start my life over I'd do it at the drop of a dime, especially middle school and 12th grade :smh:

Now of course I could turn out worse, but **** it I'd try at least. Have so many regrets
I wish I knew back then that grades in middle school didn't matter
I wish I knew back then that grades in middle school didn't matter
For me it did at least. I should've tried harder, I barely made honors classes but I was going through mad depression then so I started slacking

Side note but if I'm not mistaken, some parts in China they have to worry about middle school grades cause they have to apply for high schools just like for colleges. Or maybe that's just in manga idk :lol:
Thought the same time the first few times I played it. But now I enjoy it more cuz I understand how to play

Word. It took me like 50 matches to even get a kill :lol:

Once I played with my boys I got into the swing of it. Now I enjoy solo too
I've been so lazy everyday after work. This isn't good.

Are you eatinf, vegetabls, fruits etc...daily excersie+brisk 30 minute walk?
If not
That washed thread is a click away.

Played ball for almost 5 days straight took a (restday on wednesday) even when I leave work most of the time I go and play ball.. Plus I gotta walk to the park takes me 30-40 minutes to get there. But I get there Eventually. 3 day work week here we go.

Let's get this money TAN!!

Humble brag post.
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